Porterville Recorder

A pointless distractio­n


WASHINGTON — Where did President Trump get the idea he alone had the power to order all the states to reopen their businesses in the midst of the deadly viral pandemic that’s killing thousands of Americans?

With businesses closing their doors across the country and laying off millions of workers in the face of a plunging economy, Trump declared Monday he alone had the “total” authority to lift the pandemic restrictio­ns and reopen the nation’s businesses.

“The authority of the president of the United States, having to do with the subject we’re talking about, is total,” Trump declared, triggering what governors and constituti­onal scholars fear could lead to a constituti­onal crisis.

“It’s hard to know what the president means with this statement,” Ilya Shapiro, a constituti­onal expert at the libertaria­n-leaning Cato Institute, told CBS News, “so perhaps it’s an occasion to take him seriously, but not literally.”

Steve Vladeck, a law professor at the University of Texas School of Law, wrote on Twitter that Trump’s statement “is just false. The president has no formal legal authority to categorica­lly override local state shelter-in-place orders or to reopen schools and small businesses. No statute delegates to him such power; no constituti­onal provision invests him with such authority.

“The president can informally put pressure on local/ state government­s. He can mess with emergency funding. And he can even order the federal workforce back to their offices. But largely because he’s left so much to local authoritie­s so far, this, too, is ultimately up to them.

“The federal government cannot commandeer the machinery of the state government­s . ... That is, the federal government cannot coerce the states into taking actions to suit federal policy preference,” Vladeck wrote.

CBS News further noted Trump was contradict­ing his earlier policies. “After weeks of touting states’ rights to decide whether to issue stay-at-home and other mitigation orders, President Trump now says the decision to ‘open up the states’ rests with him, not governors.

“Only three days ago, the president insisted he didn’t want to direct states to shutter their economies for constituti­onal reasons,” CBS News reported.

“I like to allow governors to make decisions without overruling them, because from a constituti­onal standpoint, that’s the way it should be done,” Trump said during an April 10 coronaviru­s task force briefing. “If I disagreed, I would overrule a governor, and I have the right to do it. But I’d rather have them — you can call it ‘federalist,’ you can call it ‘the Constituti­on,’ but I call it ‘the Constituti­on.’ I would rather have them make their decisions.”

But New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo isn’t buying Trump’s convoluted logic. “Really, the only way this situation gets worse is if the president creates a constituti­onal crisis,” Cuomo said in an interview on MSNBC’S “Morning Joe.”

“If he says to me, ‘I declare it open,’ and this is a public health risk, or it’s reckless with the welfare of the people of my state, I will oppose it,” Cuomo said.

“Earlier Tuesday, the governor told NBC’S ‘Today’ that the power to reopen state economies clearly sat with the governors as defined by the 10th Amendment to the Constituti­on, which states that powers not clearly designated to the federal government fall instead to the states,” John Bowden of The Hill, a D.c.-based news outlet, reported.

“I don’t know what the president is talking about, frankly,” Cuomo said. “We have a Constituti­on; the Constituti­on is based on balance of powers.” Donald Lambro has been covering Washington politics for more than 50 years as a reporter, editor and commentato­r.

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