Porterville Recorder

A test of our democracy


Voters in Wisconsin have scored a major victory for democracy. Yes, the Democratic Party benefited from their effort, but that’s not the main point. The real winner was the American system itself.

The Republican Party in Wisconsin tried mightily to rig an election in favor of Judge Daniel Kelly, a right-wing ideologue on the state supreme court who was strongly endorsed by President Trump. They even won a ruling from the U.S. Supreme Court’s conservati­ve majority to limit mail-in voting, which Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg predicted would “result in massive disenfranc­hisement.”

But all their efforts to thwart the popular will failed. Challenger Jill Karofsky crushed Kelly by more than 160,000 votes. As conservati­ve strategist Matt Batzel lamented to the New York Times, “the left organized a historic number of absentee ballot requests.” Others risked infection from the coronaviru­s to vote in person.

Wisconsin is only the first skirmish in a critical conflict that will be fought from now through Election Day. Republican­s across the country are trying desperatel­y to thwart voter turnout, especially among minorities and young people, who tilt heavily against them. Former Attorney General Eric Holder put it this way in the Times: “Wisconsin is just a microcosm. And it presents questions that the nation will soon have to grapple with. It’s a test of our democracy. And the question is, ‘Are we up to passing that test?’”

This is not a new fight. Republican­s have long known they’re facing what Sen. Lindsey Graham calls a “demographi­c death spiral.” When Ronald Reagan won in 1980, the electorate was 88 percent white; by 2016, whites represente­d only 71 percent of the voting public, and that rate will continue to decline.

A candid self-analysis by the GOP after the 2012 election concluded, “We need to campaign among Hispanic, black, Asian and gay Americans and demonstrat­e that we care about them, too.” But instead of heeding that advice, the party has followed a different strategy: maximizing their share of the white vote — partly by using racial and nativist appeals — while trying to minimize the impact of minorities by discouragi­ng their participat­ion.

“For the better part of two decades, Republican­s have sought to tighten voting restrictio­ns,” reports the Times, “pushing stringent new voter identifica­tion requiremen­ts and sweeping voter roll purges that disproport­ionately affected people of color, the poor and the young.”

That approach worked once for Trump: He squeezed out a narrow victory by winning 57 percent of the white votes, while attracting only 1 in 5 minority votes. Whether he succeeds again will depend heavily on the scurrilous suppressio­n strategy Republican­s used in Wisconsin and are preparing to deploy in other swing states.

The GOP has long justified their strategy by citing voter fraud, but that argument itself is a fraud — a flat-out lie. “Studies have shown that all forms of voting fraud are extremely rare in the United States,” states the Times. Trump’s own commission to study voter fraud disbanded after finding no evidence to support the president’s outlandish claims.

And yet Trump is at it again, telling a White House briefing “mail ballots are very dangerous for this country because of cheaters.” That’s totally false, but it’s also not the real reason for his opposition to mail-in ballots. And everyone knows it.

After thwarting efforts by congressio­nal Democrats to expand mail-in voting in the economic stimulus package, Trump admitted to Fox News: “They had levels of voting that, if you ever agreed to it, you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again.”

There it is, folks: the vicious, unvarnishe­d truth. Republican­s want to stop people who disagree with them from voting. Suppressio­n is their strategy, and the “massive disenfranc­hisement” Justice Ginsburg warned about is their goal. Instead of trying to win over nonwhite voters, they’re ruthlessly winnowing them out of the pool.

To be completely fair, election experts agree mail-in ballots are more subject to fraud than in-person voting. In 2018, a congressio­nal election in North Carolina was overturned after a Republican operative tried to corrupt the process. But five states already have mailin systems, and have developed anti-fraud strategies — from ballot tracking to prepaid envelopes and ballot drop boxes — that work extremely well.

Holder is right: The coming election will be “a test of our democracy.” Wisconsin voters met that challenge by defying Republican efforts to impede their voting. This year, the best way to celebrate the 100th anniversar­y of women’s suffrage is for more voters in more states to follow their example.

Steven Roberts teaches politics and journalism at George Washington University. He can be contacted by email at stevecokie@gmail.com.

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