Porterville Recorder

Marcie’s COVID-19 update

- Sylvia J. Harral Tid-bits of Health Sylvia Harral is the Education Director at Golden Sunrise Nutraceuti­cal, Inc.

Our COVID-19 patient is still valiantly fighting the dreaded foe and teaching us more about the tactics COVID-19 uses on us. Two weeks ago, Marcie Thiessen was feeling better, and here’s the next phase of her story.

Two weeks ago we saw Marcie’s progress up to Thursday, April 9, when she felt normal and ready to come out of quarantine. The next morning, however, on Friday, April 10, she spiked a fever again. Dr. Meis responded, immediatel­y, with the next part of the COVID-19 treatment protocol; Anterfeero­n Detox. This detox literally flushes the toxins, including the virus, out of the body.

The Anterfeero­n Detox feels like having the flu. The body is dumping toxins right and left, or up and down, however you want to describe it.

On Saturday, Marcie did the detox and spent a few hours in the bathroom. She was amazed at the experience. When the detox was finished, she felt so energetic, however, she was advised to stay down and rest. Her body needed to use that energy to heal and repair itself.

On Sunday, she rested, recuperate­d and felt no more symptoms of COVID-19.

From Monday through Friday, no symptoms returned. She felt like she was trapped in a cage. She wanting to get out and join life again, but she had to wait to be retested.

On Friday, April 17, she was retested. She’s hoping to receive her results by Sunday. “I feel like I’m totally over it,” she said. “I have felt no symptoms at all since the detox. Anterfeero­n did it for me.”

Looking back over her experience so far, she said, “I spent my whole life, as a nurse, touching people. Now, for the last 14 days I have not touched or been touched. I can’t wait to get out of quarantine. Now, I get to walk around, be free and sell my plasma.”

Then her voice saddened as she added, “Last night, I lost my aunt to COVID-19. She was in Redwood Springs Health Care Center. She went to the hospital with pneumonia, and was sent back to Redwood. I didn’t even get to see her at the end. I, the rest of my family and everyone around me, am so grateful to Golden Sunrise Nutraceuti­cal for the wisdom and science that went into the treatment I received. I’ll be happy to hear that more people are being treated like I have been. I’m planning my ‘Coming Out’ party.”

This is the way it was on Friday, April 17, when Marcie was retested. However, COVID-19 wasn’t finished with Marcie yet. On Saturday, April 18, her fever spiked again. All the body aches and coughing spells returned with a vengeance. Sunday and Monday were awful, and on Tuesday, April 21, Dr. Meis prepared to give her the next Detoxherb formula.

Marcie remembered how the detoxes felt and said understand­ably, “I don’t want to have to do it again!”

Dr. Meis’s answer went like this, “The virus has come to the surface and we need to hit it NOW!” He gave Marcie the next Detoxherb formula. She drank the first one-ounce bottle of liquid herbs on Wednesday, April 22. The complete treatment is two bottles.

On Thursday, April 23, Marcie felt amazingly energetic and wonderful. She wasn’t coughing and her blood oxygen level went back up to 98. She was cleaning her house and changing the sheets on her bed.

I will continue to follow her progress and keep you posted in the next article.

Until then … TAKE CHARGE! … Sylvia

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