Porterville Recorder

SATURDAY, MAY 16, 2020


How you extend expertise, physical help or financial assistance to others will make a difference. Integrity, research and following through with promises will determine how well you do this year. Let your intuition and common sense be your guides. Be a leader and someone who makes a difference.

TAURUS (April 20May 20) — Initiate personal change that will not only benefit you, but others as well. By implementi­ng what’s best for everyone, you will encourage others to join in and help.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20) — Take a step back and reevaluate your current situation before taking action. Don’t trust anyone to handle your affairs for you. Someone will disappoint you if given a chance.

CANCER (June 21-July 22) — Attitude is everything, and if you can keep an open mind and a willingnes­s to compromise, you will enter into a situation that can

(Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — A practical approach to things will help you avoid trouble. Explore new possibilit­ies and check out correspond­ence courses. You’ll discover an opportunit­y that could change your life.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) — Take a ride on the informatio­n superhighw­ay. Watch a documentar­y, find out what’s going on around the world and consider how best to use your skills to improve your life. Personal growth is encouraged.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24Nov. 22) — Follow through with a creative idea. Do things differentl­y, but don’t trust someone you deal with to keep secrets or be trustworth­y. Work alone, develop your plans and improve your life.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) — Conversati­ons

(March 21-April 19) — Take pride in what you do. Make adjustment­s that fit your current lifestyle and carry on as usual. If you set an example for others, success will follow. Personal gain is apparent.

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