Porterville Recorder

Desecratio­n of flag uncalled for


This letter is in response to the front page article titled Protest in Portervill­e which appeared in the June 1st edition of the Portervill­e Recorder. While the front page photo and story isn’t disturbing, except for the lack of common sense for the use of masks and social distancing, the continuati­on of the article on page 3a certainly is. The picture of the American Flag with the words Black Lives Matter apparently painted on it and the quotes of one Eduardo Bermundez should be disturbing to every American citizen and every decent law- a- biding citizen of any town in the United States of America including Portervill­e.

Mr. Bermundez was quoted in the article that he saw the message about the protest on Twitter and stated, and I reference the article, “I didn’t ask questions, I just showed up here”. I wonder if Mr. Bermundez asked any questions while, as he protested, he displayed a desecrated American Flag that many brave men and women fought and died for. Ironically right above the picture of Mr. Bermundez’s flag are veterans banners displayed on the lamppost. Hmmm?

Obviously the American Flag is not Mr. Bermundez’s flag of choice or he wouldn’t have desecrated it or even agreed to help carry it in such a manner, or as proudly, as in the photograph. Any true American would have simply refused to display it in such a manner. I wonder if Mr. Bermudez gave any thought to the fact that because of what our flag stands for he has the right in our country to PEACEFULLY protest and make his thoughts and feelings known. I wonder what the consequenc­es would have been if he had joined a protest let’s say in Russia, Mexico, or North Korea and desecrated their country’s flag?

Since space is limited I will close with this. ALL Lives Matter. What happened to Mr.floyd is tragic and inexcusabl­e no matter what race, ethnicity, or gender you identify with and the person, or persons, responsibl­e should be held accountabl­e. While the average person can’t detect counterfei­t currency Mr. Floyd however does bear some responsibi­lity. The business owners didn’t call the police just because Mr. Floyd was African-american. We also need to remember that EVERY day in America our Police Officers are being hurt or killed by all races and genders.the next time an African-american, Asian, American Indian, or Hispanic person takes the life of a white person, or a white Police Officer will the reaction be the same? Hopefully we don’t find out anytime soon but don’t hold your breath!

May God help us, heal our hearts, and our nation.

Ray Holdsworth Portervill­e

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