Porterville Recorder

Si Se Puede??


Recent letters in this section have referred to the Spanish slogan “Si Se Puede” in support of policies of Donald Trump. Doing so was a great disservice to the term and its origin. In translatio­n, Si Se Puede means “yes we can” or “yes it can be done.” The slogan became a phrase for millions of farm workers nationwide towards a pathway away from disparity and a better life for their families. Cesar Chavez (1927-1993) found the United Farm Workers to advocate for the rights of farm workers wages and improve working and safety conditions.

Cesar Chavez founded the union in Delano and he went on many hunger strikes, refusing to eat until violence against working conditions ended He was also jailed many times. In Phoenix during Cesar Chavez’s 25-day fast, union co-founder Dolores Huerta came up with the slogan “Si Se Puede” as the union’s guiding principles that has served to inspire and mobilize labor, religious and community activists over the years.

I recall working with my dad in the grape fields in Delano in the 1950s and sometimes listening to demeaning remarks towards my father by a few ranchers. Dad always showed respect and answer in broken English, “Yes Sir. Yes Sir. I will do it. Yes Sir. Yes Sir.”

I remember field workers getting sick and some dying form inhaling pesticides. The safety and health conditions were atrocious: no drinking water, no place to wash your hands, no shelter to eat lunch during 105 degree temperatur­es and no toilets even for women and children. These years have long passed, but how can the Hispanic community forget the farm labor struggle which began in Delano and in Arizona where Republican governor Jack Williams in 1972 said this about Cesar Chavez and Mexican farm laborers: “As far as I’m concerned these people don’t exist.”

Remember Donald Trump making false and demeaning comments regarding Mexicans. “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They are in many cases criminals, drug dealers, rapists, etc.” Donald Trump recently said he will continue to separate children from parents at the border.

Our nation under this president is a mess. The way Trump failed to handle the pandemic in its early months no doubt led to thousands of citizens who died, who shouldn’t have died. He was thinking of himself, his political prospects and nothing else. This is perhaps one of the greatest failures of presidenti­al leadership in generation­s. He has no national plans to control the pandemic and the virus continues to spread while citizens are sick and dying.

Millions are out of work and filing for unemployme­nt and thousands will probably lose their homes and their inability to pay their rent. What has Donald Trump done to improve the wages and working conditions of Americans? We know his personal account is making millions and his millionair­e friends are becoming wealthier.

In 1980 profession­al boxer Robert Duran was in a boxing champioshi­p in the middle of the fight when he began waving his gloves and said to the referee the infamous words “No Mas. No Mas” meaning “No More. No More.”

Our citizens want “No Mas, No Mas” of Donald Trump. He is trailing badly in the polls. “Si Se Puede.” Yes, it can be done. VOTE! VOTE! Fred Mendoza is a retired educator who lives in Springvill­e.

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