Porterville Recorder

Breathe In; Breathe Out

- Sylvia J. Harral Sylvia J. Harral, M.ED., N.C. , is the Education Director for Golden Sunrise Nutraceuti­cal, Inc.

“I was struck by lightning in 1975 and declared clinically dead,” Dannion Brinkley said in a video interview with Elizabeth Wilcock.

Dannion has gone through four near death experience­s, and for some reason, he keeps coming back. His story caught my attention, and, because of what we’re all going through right now, I chose to share his words with you, my reader.

“I went through what we now call a classic ‘Near Death Experience’ (NDE). The NDE is 1000 times more wondrous and magnificen­t than anyone has ever heard. I’ve come to the conclusion after four of these experience­s that we are great, powerful and mighty spiritual beings with dignity, direction and purpose.

The moment people take that conclusion into considerat­ion as a point of view, so much of the insanity that’s happening in this World right now disappears.

In the course of each NDE, I go through a crystal city and am met by beings of light. In one experience, I saw a series of ‘boxes’; that’s all I could call them. I didn’t realize, at the time, that the boxes were showing me the future. I realized it, however, as the events in the boxes began to come true in the World around me. The box that’s coming true right now says, ‘The battle for the souls of humankind will be fought in health care.’ It also said there would be a microchip that would be placed in the body. It would regulate and control your very existence. This chip could be used to determine how long you would survive.

As the story of this epidemic unfolded, I listened to the talk about being vaccinated, wearing masks and the epidemic becoming a worldwide issue. I knew this was the future time that ‘box’ was talking about. I was seeing how the battle for our souls and freedom was being dictated in the health care arena.

As Americans, citizens of the World and spiritual beings, we’re at the precipice of taking back control of our lives. We need to pay attention to the health care system. It is now big business. We need to realize we are being manipulate­d into giving up our spiritual identity and our dignity for what appears to be the illusion of safety.

When you look at your life, look at it from this point; you’re either empowered or enabled. Our diet and food, our substance and our medicines are all enabling us. We’re carrying out materialis­tic lifestyles that push us outward instead of inward. The outward push enables us to waste, destroy, murder, kill and fill the oceans with plastic.

The inward push of empowermen­t requires breathing. The first thing you do when you enter this life is take a breath in. The last thing you do is let that breath out.

The most important thing in the spiritual realm is intention. Intention is carried in the air. The intention from everything around you enters with your breath. Inhaled breath fills our eight sinus cavities. Each cavity represents a level of spiritual growth. The deeper you breathe, the more intention you take in.

As the breath fills the sinus cavities, the Divine, spiritual part of you, looks at the intention contained in that breath. Your spiritual self takes the intention that’s going on inside you right now and ads too or transforms the incoming breath with your intention. [Your intention is known by the thoughts, words and actions you’re expressing right now.] It’s like adding a fragrance, a spiritual movement and daintiness to your breath. When you breathe out, you’re changing everything around you. Whether you realize it or not, with your breath, you’re changing the World.

When people are frightened, they stop breathing as much. Oxygen flow to the brain is shut down. A brain that’s lacking oxygen is easy to be brought under control; or perhaps under a spell of some sort.

Everyone, PLEASE!

Pay attention to how you breathe. Pay attention to what you’re thinking about when you breathe in. Breathe deep, stay calm and focused. For the love of the Divine, pay attention to what you’re thinking about when you breathe out. Let each exhale be imbued with love and sustaining power. That breath will go out from you and give greatness, direction and Divinity to each thing it touches.”

Dannion ended his talk with this statement; “The Mayan Calendar said that all things not done in integrity will collapse. Today, we are experienci­ng the last thing not done in integrity; our health care.”

With your breath … TAKE CHARGE! … Sylvia

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