Porterville Recorder

Do Just One Thing



If you use a laptop computer every day, there are some easy steps you can take to make sure it’s running as efficientl­y as possible. First, whenever you’re not using external devices like drives and printers, unplug them. When they are plugged into your USB port, they draw a lot of power. Unplug the charger if your battery has sufficient life; leaving it plugged in not only wastes energy, but it also can degrade the life of your battery. And always totally shut down the computer when you’re done; leaving it on standby or sleep mode still consumes power.


You might wonder if the free weights that are gathering dust in your basement gym are recyclable. Yes, hand weights are recyclable. Most free weights are made entirely from iron, often with steel handles covered in rubber. These minimal materials make them ideal for recycling and can get you around 50 cents per pound at the scrap metal recycling facility. But there is a huge resale market for free weights, so post them for sale and they may find a new home that way.


When we’re all looking for ways to cut back on our carbon footprint, one idea might be to cut out tropical fruits. After all, fruits like mangoes, pineapples and coconuts come from faraway places. But there’s no need to quit these fruits quite yet. Yes, they do come from other countries, but buying tropical fruits also means supporting farmers in regions that are adapting to climate change. And since trees absorb carbon emissions, these fruit trees can also help to combat global warming.


Freezing fruits and vegetables is an easy to way to extend their life and avoid food waste when you can’t get through a bunch of produce. But there are some fruits and veggies you should never freeze. Celery, for example, can turn limp and take on an obnoxious odor. Cucumbers also change from crunchy and fresh to limp and stale when frozen; consider pickling them instead. And potatoes are a nogo, too: When you reheat frozen potatoes, the water separates from the natural starches and makes your au gratin very watery.


With more households than ever before needing assistance with food donations, you might wonder how you can help. Second Harvest lists the “most wanted” items that food pantries love to get during these times. What’s at the top of their list? Start with canned proteins like tuna, ham, chicken, peanut butter and canned beans. Then think filling and quick-toprepare items like instant mashed potatoes, pasta, canned sauces and hearty soups. Finally, don’t forget that personal care products like shampoo, deodorant, soap, diapers and toilet paper are necessitie­s, too.


Cast iron is a time-tested favorite of home cooks for its durability and natural nonstick surface. But any lover of cast iron knows this: Rust is the enemy! When you wash your cast-iron pan, it’s imperative to make sure it’s completely dry before putting it away. Even a little dampness or a few droplets of water can create rust stains overnight. To prevent this, scrub your pan clean and place it back on top of your cooktop. Then turn it on and let the pan heat up and dry out completely. Cool and store for future use.


While outdoor cushions are designed to withstand the elements, they can also get dirty and develop surface mildew. Before you reach for bleach to clean them (which can discolor the fabric), try something cleaner and more effective instead: a power washer. The pressure of a power washer is enough to blast the grime, dirt and mildew off the cushions. When clean, lean the cushions against a sunny wall so they can dry out thoroughly.

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