Porterville Recorder

GOP lawmakers urge Biden to meet with them on virus relief


WASHINGTON (AP) — Ten Republican senators on Sunday proposed spending about onethird of what President Joe Biden is seeking in coronaviru­s aid and urged him to negotiate rather than try to ram through his $1.9 trillion package solely on Democratic votes.

In challengin­g Biden to fulfill his pledge of unity, the group said in a letter that their counterpro­posal will include $160 billion for vaccines, testing, treatment and personal protective equipment and will call for more targeted relief than Biden’s plan to issue $1,400 stimulus checks for most Americans.

Winning the support of 10 Republican­s would be significan­t for Biden in the 50-50 Senate where Vice President Kamala Harris is the tie-breaker. If all Democrats were to back an eventual compromise bill, the legislatio­n would reach the 60-vote threshold necessary to overcome potential blocking efforts and pass under regular Senate procedures.

“In the spirit of bipartisan­ship and unity, we have developed a COVID-19 relief framework that builds on prior COVID assistance laws, all of which passed with bipartisan support,” the Republican senators wrote. “Our proposal reflects many of your stated priorities, and with your support, we believe that this plan could be approved quickly by Congress with bipartisan support.”

The plea for Biden to give bipartisan negotiatio­ns more time comes as the president has shown signs of impatience as the more liberal wing of his party considers passing the relief package through a process known as budget reconcilia­tion. That would allow the bill to advance with only the backing of his Democratic majority.

The Republican­s did not provide many details of their proposal. One of the signatorie­s, Louisiana Sen. Bill Cassidy, said that it would cost about $600 billion.

“If you can’t find bipartisan compromise on COVID-19, I don’t know where you can find it,” said Ohio Sen. Rob Portman, who also signed the letter.

The other GOP senators are Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Mitt Romney of Utah, Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia, Todd Young of Indiana, Jerry Moran of Kansas, Mike Rounds of South Dakota, and Thom Tillis of North Carolina.

Brian Deese, the top White House economic adviser who is leading the administra­tion’s outreach to Congress, said administra­tion officials were reviewing the letter. He did not immediatel­y commit to a Biden meeting with the lawmakers.

But Cedric Richmond, a senior Biden adviser, said the president “is very willing to meet with anyone to advance the agenda.

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