Porterville Recorder

Broken promises in Afghanista­n

- Steven Roberts teaches politics and journalism at George Washington University.

After American troops departed Afghanista­n, Gen. Frank Mckenzie, the chief of the U.S. Central Command, said: “There’s a lot of heartbreak associated with this departure. We did not get everybody out that we wanted to get out. But I think if we’d stayed another 10 days, we wouldn’t have gotten everybody out that we wanted to get out.”

“Heartbreak” is the right word. So is “betrayal.”

Several hundred Americans and tens of thousands of Afghans — who loyally served the U.S. mission over the last two decades — have been left behind. As a nation, we’ve broken our promise to keep them and their families safe from the Taliban’s holy warriors who now occupy their country and seek revenge.

“This is a moral disaster,” proclaims a Washington Post editorial, “one attributab­le not to the actions of military and diplomatic personnel in Kabul – who have been courageous and profession­al in the face of deadly dangers — but to mistakes, strategic and tactical, by Mr. Biden and his administra­tion.”

Perhaps keeping American troops in place for 10 more days wouldn’t have made a big difference, although that’s debatable. European leaders like British Prime Minister Boris Johnson strongly urged Biden to extend the U.S. military presence, and a recent Abc/ipsos poll found large majorities of Americans favoring that course.

But the real mistakes that led to the current disaster were made many months ago, when the White House was warned — repeatedly and urgently — to speed up the process of granting Special Immigrant Visas (SIVS) to Afghan allies and employees. But the administra­tion, which clearly wanted to believe Afghan forces would be far more effective in resisting the Taliban than they proved to be, ignored the alarms.

As I wrote earlier this summer, after Biden pledged to protect our Afghan comrades: “But words are the easy part. At least so far, the administra­tion seems uncertain and unprepared in dealing with those Afghan allies. The jeopardy they face was totally predictabl­e, once Biden decided to pull out. So why isn’t there a better plan — any plan, really — in place already?”

The core of the problem is Biden has followed two contradict­ory policy goals: Get our allies out AND get our troops out. Keep our promises AND keep to the Aug. 31 deadline. It was never going to be possible to fulfill both aims. That’s why he’s in such a mess. In his defiant and defensive speech from the White House, the president insisted “we were ready” for any eventualit­y, including the collapse of Afghan resistance to the Taliban, but that’s obviously not true.

He also said it was “time to be honest with the American people.” But he has never been honest about how and why he and his advisers made such a disastrous miscalcula­tion about the fragility of the Afghan military — a miscalcula­tion that has imperiled so many of our loyal Afghan allies.

So what happens now? The president talks a good game, saying there’s “no deadline” on continuing efforts to extract vulnerable Afghans. But as Secretary of State Tony Blinken has admitted, “We have no illusion that any of this will be easy. Or rapid.”

The president continues to insist the U.S retains enough “leverage” over the Taliban to make these strategies work, but it’s not at all clear what he means. Diplomatic pressure? Foreign aid? World opinion? And to believe promises from the Taliban is to indulge in the same wishful thinking and self-delusion that led to the current chaos.

Yes, the administra­tion successful­ly extricated more than 120,000 people from Afghanista­n in recent weeks, a truly remarkable accomplish­ment, And foreign policy seldom becomes a voting issue in American elections.

But so far, Biden has failed to keep his word to many endangered Afghans who remain under Taliban tyranny.

“We’re far from done,” he vowed, and he must try everything possible in the weeks and months ahead to redeem that promise. His reputation, and the nation’s honor, depend on it.

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