Porterville Recorder



Dream of a world that protects our freedom

Thank you once again for allowing me to share a few thoughts with your readers. As we all may assume by now, chances are there will be some swift adverse actions that will be taken in California by Governor Newsom. That’s my opinion. Just what all they will entail remain to be seen.

Just what should our attitude as Christians regarding those assumed pending actions of his? I have been praying about this very thing. And I feel, as Christians, we do have a recourse of action. It is found in 2 Corinthian­s 4:17-18. They read as follows. “Four our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; While we look NOT at the things that are seen, but at the things that are NOT seen: for the things that are seen are temporal, but the things which are NOT seen are eternal.” Praise the Lord for that promise.

The phrase “I have a dream” has been coined by many writers through the years. I would like to share my dream as that Notable Statesman in the 1960’s. I also have a dream.

I, personally have a dream where an individual can express their views on whatever subject they choose without retaliatio­n!

I dream of a World where an individual can make personal choices without government­al interferen­ce! (Some folks already have that freedom)!

I dream of a world where segments of citizens are not singled out simply because they don’t always stand in agreement with laws that take away their freedom, regardless of what they fought for freedom is. They have God given rights to exercise their freedoms!

Lastly, I dream of a World where our World, once a World to be proud of, is not governed by third world Godless countries.

Elaine Hayes/harris Portervill­e

Civil discourse

I recently penned an editorial criticizin­g the turn to the far right of the G.O.P. In response, yesterday I found a letter in our mailbox addressed to me and with no return address. Upon opening the card inside, I found a bunch of 3x5 cards and various scraps of paper upon which were written versions of hateful and threatenin­g messages. I was called a traitor, baby-eating liberal and a Nazi among other disgusting, immature name-calling messages. I wonder where this individual got the idea that God would approve of this very unchristia­n behavior?

It reminded me of those television shows that have all of the boldly written statements that a serial killer or deranged conspiracy addict pinned to a wall during the investigat­ion and search for the perpetrato­r. It also reminded me of a couple rear window decals that I saw recently in town... One said, “In Gold All Things are Possible; (nice), and the other said “F—K Joe and the Ho”... (not so nice). These folks must have a different God than the one true Christians believe in.

To the anonymous person who put this spiteful tripe in my mailbox, I want you to know that you have the right to your opinion... as this is one reason our country is the greatest. However, please take ownership of your opinion by signing your name to your work. And please don’t question my loyalty to this country. Have some respect and stop trying to anonymousl­y harass and threaten others. Try a little civility, as we could all use some, even in our political discourse.

P.S. The mailbox trick has been reported to the proper authoritie­s.

Todd Pixler Portervill­e

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