Porterville Recorder

Five West Nile Virus cases found in Tulare County

- THE RECORDER recorder@portervill­erecorder.com

The Tulare County Health & Human Services Agency announced on Monday five people in the county have bee diagnosed with West Nile Virus.

Public health officials urge residents to take precaution­s against mosquito bites, as mosquito samples positive for West Nile Virus have been detected in multiple locations within the county. In addition, samples indicate St. Louis Encephalit­is Virus, SLEV, may also be present, posing a risk to the public.

“Due to this increased activity and these reported cases, we strongly encourage residents to use safeguards to reduce their risk of contractin­g both West Nile Virus and SLEV through mosquito bites,” stated Tulare County Public Health Officer Dr. Karen Haught.

There’s no vaccine or medication to treat West Nile Virus. Most people infected with West Nile will have no symptoms.

But about 1 in 5 people will develop a fever with other symptoms 2 to 14 days after being infected. Severe cases of West Nile Virus can affect the central nervous system, resulting in meningitis and/or encephalit­is, and can result in death or long-term disability.

The St. Louis Encephalit­is Virus is in the same virus family as West Nile Virus. Both viruses are transmitte­d to humans when bitten by an infected mosquito.

Most people infected with SLEV will have few to no symptoms. The most common symptoms are mild, flu-like symptoms, including fever and headache 5 to 15 days after being infected. Like West Nile Virus, severe cases of SLEV can also affect the central nervous system, resulting in meningitis and/or encephalit­is, and can result in death or long-term disability.

Residents are urged to increase their awareness of potential breeding grounds around their properties. Be on the lookout for homes that are unoccupied, since they may have swimming

pools or backyard ponds that are breeding grounds for mosquitoes.

It’s recommende­d residents take the following precaution­s to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes: Use Epa-registered insect repellent such as DEET. Always follow label instructio­ns carefully; Dress in long sleeves and pants during dawn and dusk or in areas where mosquitoes are active; Drain standing water that may produce mosquitoes. Repair or replace door and window screens that have tears or holes.

Anyone who sees a standing area of water that may be a breeding area for mosquitoes should contact their local mosquito abatement district. In Southern Tulare County, the district to contact is the Delano Mosquito Abatement District, (661) 725-3114 or https://delanomosq­uito.com/.

Horses are also particular­ly susceptibl­e to infection of West Nile Virus, but there’s a vaccine for horses and horse owners should have their horses vaccinated annually and keep vaccinatio­ns up to date as a preventive measure. For more informatio­n, visit the California West Nile website at http://westnile.ca.gov/.

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