Porterville Recorder



Thursday, September 23, 2021

Today is the 266th day of 2021 and the second day of autumn.

TODAY’S HISTORY: In 1806, Lewis and Clark’s Corps of Discovery returned to St. Louis from its exploratio­n venture to the Pacific coast.

In 1845, the New York Knickerboc­kers baseball club was founded.

In 1846, astronomer­s Urbain Le Verrier, John Couch Adams and Johann Gottfried Galle discovered the planet Neptune.

In 1952, vice presidenti­al candidate Richard Nixon gave his famous “Checkers” speech, denying allegation­s of improper campaign financing.


Victoria Woodhull (1838-1927), journalist/ activist; Walter Lippmann (1889-1974), journalist/ philosophe­r; Mickey Rooney (1920-2014), actor; John Coltrane (1926-1967), saxophonis­t; Ray Charles (19302004), singer-songwriter; Julio Iglesias (1943- ), singer-songwriter; Bruce Springstee­n (1949- ), singer-songwriter; Jason Alexander (1959- ), actor; Ani Difranco (1970- ), singer-songwriter; Anthony Mackie (1978- ), actor.

TODAY’S FACT: Nintendo, known today as a video game company, was founded by Fusajiro Yamauchi in Kyoto, Japan, on this day in 1889. The company originally produced handmade playing cards.

TODAY’S SPORTS: In 1988, Jose Canseco of the Oakland A’s became the first member of Major League Baseball’s “40-40 club,” hitting 40 home by Andrews Mcmeel Almanac

runs and stealing 40 bases in a single season.


“There can be no liberty for a community which lacks the means by which to detect lies.” — Walter Lippmann, “Liberty and the News”

TODAY’S NUMBER: 33 — surviving members in Lewis and Clark’s Corps of Discovery. Only one member of the party died during the nearly 8,000mile expedition.

TODAY’S MOON: Between full moon (Sept. 20) and last quarter moon (Sept. 28).

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