Porterville Recorder


- Arnold Demasters Portervill­e

Supposedly Springvill­e’s most intelligen­t resident

I just read the letter to the Editor by supposedly Springvill­e’s most intelligen­t resident??

Mr . Pinter where has your head been from Jan. 20th 2021 until today, everything you stated was absolutely false and totally unfounded.

How about the very first day of his idiotic reign he stopped the pipeline constructi­on which hurt the entire U.S. mostly we small poor people.

My next issue was that I guessed he had totally overlooked the issue about the Border Wall of which has allowed Millions of people come through our borders Criminals, Drugs , Molesters and etc. The list has no end also has turned his mind off on the absolute embarrassm­ent to other Nations on Afghanista­n and our many folks still there and hoping to get out alive with no help from their own country the U.S.A.?

This Springvill­e Brain as it is believed is not an indication of the Brain matter in Springvill­e as I have 2 nephews and a daughter in law and many other family members who live in that town and I know they don’t follow this brainless accounting of Joe Biden’s accomplish­ments any more than I do !

It would be of great service to all if he would fail to honor the Recorder with any more submission­s at all. I am not a person with a degree of any sort as mentioned by the person who submitted the same response letter in Wednesday’s Recorder but only a young child can and would be able too see how dumb your thinking is and would be smart enough to not express it !

Please do our country and its people a service and discontinu­e writing such absolute nonsense and out and out lies for our people to read! People like you are what is leading and helping others lead our country into Socialism and the next step is Communism, so just check it out. Communism has never worked out and been successful where ever tried just look at History !

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