Porterville Recorder


- Mike Hussey Portervill­e

Pinter’s commentary not hatred of conservati­ves

I am addressing myself to Mr. Mark’s response to Mr. Pinter’s commentary of December 28.

I don’t believe that the commentary or even Mr. Pinter’s opinion of conservati­ves is extreme “hatred.” That is your opinion and for some reason you take it personally.

In his commentary he merely objected to the comment of a “big, burly Latino,” expressing his opinion that “Democrats were all wrong,” so Mr. Pinter replied in kind.

I am “Latina,” I don’t take issue with that. What I do take issue with is anyone who listens to propaganda and takes it as Gospel and seem to “hate” intellectu­als or educated people because they don’t buy the “big” lies, COVID is a hoax, the vaccine makes you sterile, you don’t need a mask.

So, now our hospitals are full of sick children with COVID, 12,000 children have died. Who’s fault is that?

You don’t need a “great education to know the difference between a lie and the truth. M.A. Reyes Portervill­e

Pinter says he’s not opposed to conservati­ves

A reader of this newspaper has complained that I’m opposed to conservati­ves. I’m not. I often don’t agree with them, but only because I think they can be a little heartless. Conservati­sm isn’t ignorant; ignorance is ignorant.

For a Democrat, I’m pretty conservati­ve. That doesn’t mean that I think like today’s Republican voters. I don’t think that THEY are conservati­ves. They think that religious fundamenta­lism is conservati­ve, which it is not. And they think that believing what the Republican Party tells them is conservati­ve, which it definitely is not. I think they’re being used by means of mendacious, inflammato­ry language designed to get out the vote. That has nothing to do with conservati­sm.

I believe that we should keep the enormous national debt under control. That’s a solid conservati­ve value. But I also believe that implementi­ng a progressiv­e tax rate, so that people with higher incomes pay a higher percentage of their income in taxes, is the only way to pay down that debt. We should borrow when the country needs it, and pay it back when our billionair­es can afford it. What’s conservati­ve about making the rich richer and the poor poorer?

I believe that we should educate our children so that they can tell when they’re being lied to. I’ve heard Republican­s say that if you send your children off to college, they’ll come back Democrats. No, they won’t; they’ll come back EDUCATED. How could education not be a conservati­ve value?

And I believe that people who don’t understand the issues, and especially people who don’t understand that the people they’ve been told to vote for don’t have their best interests at heart, shouldn’t be allowed to vote.

That goes back to Jefferson, Madison and Washington. I don’t have much support from Democrats in that regard, but it’s a free country.

And I have a number of guns. How many? None of your business. But I don’t think that convicted felons, the mentally ill, children, or people with anger management issues should have them. How is arming dangerous people conservati­ve?

Finally, using political power to impose the beliefs of one religion on everyone, which is what opposition to the Roe v. Wade decision, is not conservati­ve. It’s a violation of the First Amendment. I’m indifferen­t between being bullied by Moslem clerics or by Christian fundamenta­lists.

I’m a conservati­ve from the time when conservati­ve didn’t mean ignorant. We need a conservati­ve Republican Party; we just don’t need THIS Republican Party. Conservati­ve voters are fine; ignorant voters aren’t.

Ignorance is treason: Inform yourself before you vote. Les Pinter Springvill­e

Smartest are those who voted for Prop. 13

California coffers are flush with a surplus of money and more coming in.

That just shows that the smartest political bloc in California are the voters as shown by the voting in of Prop. 13.

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