Porterville Recorder

The Indepedent View: Setting the record straight


It’s been awhile since I’ve had time to sit down and write to the readers of the Recorder.

As always, I read or hear something I don’t think is the absolute truth or twisted so it might sway readers in a certain direction and I feel like setting the record straight. Now I’m not a Republican or Democrat so it could go either way.

Recently I read the Biden administra­tion isn’t responsibl­e for the increase in illegal border crossings. Knowing the current administra­tion halted the constructi­on of the border wall, endorse a catch and release policy, and reduced deportatio­ns. I find this ludicrous.

Now, before you start putting stamps on hate mail, know I’m in favor of vetted immigratio­n. Especially to those who could fill jobs that are needed.

In early American days, those going through Ellis Island were processed and were on their own. The country had unlimited resources and the chances of surviving were good if you were willing to work hard and apply skills you brought with you. There was no Social Security, food stamps, meals on wheels, student loans, or other social programs to fall back on. In recent history the green card worked well where workers migrated north as the crops ripened and returned south when the work dropped off. Strange we don’t hear much about Scientists or other highly technical jobs being filled by immigrants. Be sure to Google this.

Now lets touch on the real reason the two parties disagree about immigratio­n. The GOP does not want to increase the cost of the Social programs that are mostly supporting by their taxes. They do agree that farm workers are needed, but will not go further that that.

The Dems want open borders with no limit on who comes or goes. No one will admit it but they are hoping that one day all people residing within the borders will be able to cast a vote. Goodbye Republican Party or any Party for that matter. Hello Socialism. Want Socialism? The world wealth is around 431 trillion. The world population is about 7.9 trillion. If you’re a true Socialist and want the wealth evenly distribute­d your share would about $54. Don’t worry your government official would never let this happen because this is about the cost of their lunch.

As an Independen­t, I think we should do what we can to help those who really need it within our limits. As of now our national debt is so deep we can’t do much until we help ourselves. Not only is the national debt out of sight, the government has no plan to restore it to an acceptable level.

As I stated above we used to have unlimited resources, available jobs, and a big country with lots of land that could be homesteade­d. But no free healthcare, transporta­tion, loans, etc. Times are different and we can’t simply quote the Statute of Liberty and expect it to work. It’s my opinion the government shouldn’t be allowed to take our money and give it to problems they created.

It was proven government has no business running any business when the IRS seized a Brothel in Nevada (Mustang Ranch) for unpaid taxes and had to close it down because they couldn’t make a profit.

Lastly, John F Kennedy was a Democrat but he was more of a Statesman than a Politician. Best quote ever “It’s not what your country can do for you, Its what you can do for your country.” I was a Democrat back then.

Bill White is a resident of Springvill­e. His column appears in The Recorder every Tuesday.

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