Porterville Recorder


- Steve Silver Portervill­e

Just provide what’s wanted

I don’t care how much gasoline, food, water, electricit­y or natural gas costs.

Here’s the deal: just give me all I want when I want it. Michael Hussey Portervill­e

Liberals taking us in wrong direction

Liberals in the 60s and 70s opposed racism and racial segregatio­n, questioned authority, believed in civil and individual rights, personal freedom, nonconform­ity and judging people by the content of their character rather than their skin color; above all else, they championed free speech and dissent — especially on college campuses. Many of us still hold those values, but today we’re called conservati­ve Republican­s.

What the commentato­r I affectiona­tely refer to as the “Useful Idiot of Springvill­e” (UIOS) and most other Democrats don’t get is that their party has been hijacked by the far Left — and they’ve been unwittingl­y coopted into its all-out push for a dystopian Orwellian future in which personal freedom is stigmatize­d as selfishnes­s, people are judged solely by their skin color and the alleged sins of their ancestors, where truth is hidden to avoid hurt feelings, history is re-written to serve the Left’s agenda, violent criminals are coddled but the Left’s political adversarie­s are canceled, ruined and sometimes imprisoned; where people are guilty by accusation, colleges and universiti­es are left-wing indoctrina­tion centers and free speech and dissent are strictly forbidden. In short, the very opposite of liberalism.

Thanks to the UIOS and others who have been similarly duped by the Left, that stark future is already becoming a reality: the Left controls the mainstream media, social media, much of the corporate world and is even worming its way into the military (the Air Force Academy is now “woke,” eschewing “cisgender” males). The Left controls our colleges and universiti­es where publicly questionin­g its dogma leads to expulsion or job loss and students hide in “safe zones” where they’re insulated from the truth and diverse opinions, and the First Amendment is banned. Worse, the Left is weaponizin­g the Department of Justice, FBI and IRS to stomp out dissent, punish political adversarie­s and destroy anyone who opposes its agenda.

Sadly, it’s only a matter of time before the Left successful­ly imposes a 1984-style nightmare on us, and when it does, the UIOS and his ilk will likely cry the loudest about how we got there. No doubt, they’ll blame Republican­s…as usual.

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