Porterville Recorder

Republican Rhapsody

- Contributi­on Columnist

Many of you are too young to remember, but there was a time when Republican­s and Democrats weren’t divided. We went to church together. We had each other over for dinner. We hung out together at Little League games. Now Republican­s hate Democrats, and Democrats disrespect Republican­s. How did this happen?

It happened when a Georgia Congressma­n named Newt Gingrich determined lying to voters to enrage them would produce more loyal supporters than trying to explain things to them would. No one American has done so much to harm his own country.

In 1990, Gingrich proliferat­ed a pamphlet entitled Language: A Key Mechanism of Control which was sent to Republican candidates running in the 1990 elections. It included a list of “words to use in describing Democrats.” They included “liberal, disgrace, betray, bizarre, cheat, pathetic, failure, radical, taxes, corruption, greed, red tape, hypocrisy, self-serving, traitors, welfare.” The goal was to cause voters to HATE Democrats — not because of what they had done or intended to do, but like Pavlov’s dog, to condition them to hate at the sound of the word “Democrat.”

The pamphlet further said they should “Apply these to the opponent, his record, proposals and party” and “This list is prepared so that you might have a directory of words to use in writing literature and letters, in preparing speeches, and in producing material for the electronic media.”

The candidates and party operatives who use these words know they’re lying; whether or not the haters they inflame know they’re lying is debatable. They’ve been brainwashe­d, and ironically, the only people they trust are the people who brainwashe­d them. It’s reminiscen­t of the Stockholm Syndrome.

Republican voters today display exactly the same behavior that was observed among Southerner­s in the years immediatel­y preceding the American Civil War: an inability to see facts that conflicted with their world view. It’s called “cognitive dissonance.”

Republican­s refer to Democrats as “radical leftists” or “Communists” even though that characteri­zation applies to only a tiny fringe element. You should ask yourself what percentage of Democrats deserve that label, just as you should try to determine what percentage of Republican­s are racist or fascist. Most of them aren’t evil; they’re just ignorant. But cognitive dissonance ensures they won’t even hear the facts that would free them from their self-imposed bondage.

Last Friday, Kevin Mccarthy released a document entitled “Commitment to America” detailing his plan for the Republican takeover of America. The author: A resurrecte­d Newt Gingrich. Newt Gingrich destroyed the American political system with his “Contract with America.” 147 Republican­s voted to overturn the 2020 election: Kevin Mccarthy was one of them. Newt Gingrich created the cesspool of lies that is today’s Republican Party. Kevin Mccarthy collaborat­ed with Donald Trump in an attempt to reverse the 2020 election. Mccarthy’s mentor is Newt Gingrich.

The power of hate is a curious thing. It resists logic. It precludes reason. And it’s killing our country. Shame on the Republican Party for implementi­ng Newt Gingrich’s strategy of lies and hate. Shame on Mccarthy for resurrecti­ng Newt’s lying strategy. Shame on half of the country for allowing themselves to be so crassly manipulate­d by a dying political party, so desperate to hold onto power they’re willing to destroy their own country in order to do so.

They say =high minds debate ideas; those who are slightly less talented focus on events; and the lowest levels of intellect focus on people. Republican campaign rhetoric has degenerate­d into dog-whistles — Hillary, Obama, Dr. Fauci, Hunter Biden — each evoking a patchwork of lies, half-truths and exaggerati­ons. I’m reminded of Freddy Mercury’s second most famous hit (after Bohemian Rhapsody), “Somebody To Love.” Imagine an aging Newt on stage, microphone in hand, crooning “Can…anybody…find…me…somebody to hate?”

Don’t credit my haters with originalit­y; they learned it from Newt.

Les Pinter is a contributi­ng columnist and a Springvill­e resident. His column appears weekly in The Recorder. Pinter’s book, HTTPV: How a Grocery Shopping Website Can Save America, is available in both Kindle and hardcopy formats on Amazon.com. Contact him at lespinter@earthlink.net

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