Porterville Recorder

Fear Is A Liar, part 14

- ED MCKERVEY Contributi­ng Columnist Ed Mckervey lives in Portervill­e.

Fear Not – Inclusion in What? Part B

Common sense can only come from a common belief. I say we can only have common sense if we have a common God. To be part of something there are always central tenets and things the group must agree on. In Christiani­ty it’s the Bible and the Word of God. The whole counsel of God must be embraced and that’s a life’s pursuit of truth and maturity.

The central tenets of the ideiology are mostly political but seem all to point to centralize­d power and autocracy. The strange thing about this is in order for this inclusion to work it requires government control and power over anyone who disagrees. Sounds like slavery to me. https://rumble.com/ v4edan9-1984-vs-bravenew-world-how-freedom-dies.html

This explains plainly the idea if you’re not interested in politics it’s interested in you. When it’s out of balance it becomes a powerful force in one direction. Political Correctnes­s is inclusion in the all-powerful state Orwell and Huxley warned us about.

The best comparison I can make in recent history is the Russian Revolution of the last century. When you read the parallels it’s uncanny as to how America is on that same pattern of radicals in schools. The same pattern of destabiliz­ation and rejection of God. The same pattern of using the language and media to divide people and destabiliz­e the entire country.

After the crisis stage when those who were manipulati­ng others to get into power had achieved their goals, then they worked to normalize the country. The New Normal in Russia was brutal communism. We’re supposed to know history to better understand the satanic spell of the communists and take heed the warnings.

The lead character Napoleon in Orwell’s Animal Farm was modeled after Stalin. Using power of language transforms the farm into a living hell. We see a similar tactic today with changing language as in this excellent allegorica­l book called Animal Farm. This is the modus operandi of progressiv­es. Changing the words and changing the meaning of the words over time to transform the farm. Now with technology we can change the definition­s of words over night to serve the power agenda. Even worse we have been transforme­d into PHARM animals in this age.

A principled people would not embrace the change progressiv­ism promises because they would see through its empty rhetoric. The recent crisis has passed and now this communism disguised as progress demands we accept the NEW NORMAL.

Nobody can define the NEW NORMAL precisely because it’s a shape shifting ideology. Inclusion in what begs the question again. What exactly is the NEW NORMAL? What exactly do we mean by inclusion? Is it eating bugs? Is it less free? Is it promoting Evil? At what point will we be deemed non-essential and no longer included? At what point do they begin seizing your assets or my assets?

When the Obama slogans reached fever pitch years ago I saw right through the hollow promises of hope and change because I read real history as a child. We studied wars in Jr. high and saw the images and cruelty of war that was used to capture power at the expense of others. History clearly shows how the establishm­ent elite profit from war and conquest. https://twitter.com/i/status/1770824677­054669017

One can only conclude an ever changing ideology that requires government power resembles the totalitari­an ideologies of death and destructio­n in Mao’s great leap forward, Stalin’s gulags full of political enemies as well as The National socialists Death Camps in Germany in the 1930’s. Devout Christians are always the enemies of centralize­d power of man. Christians are fearless and must be captured and subdued or they will stand against tyranny and autocracy.

Throughout the ages these warmongers all have the same changeling tenets of moral relativism. This base desire for power and control is the REAL central tenet of inclusion despite the rhetoric. The left used to be anti-war when it was convenient, and are now showing their true pro-war beliefs. The left has always believed in war socialism to achieve their ends. Totalitari­ans are sorcerers of death’s constructi­on.

The propaganda media is laughing but the people are not. Politics can be funny but today’s politics are a bloodbath. Good journalist­s are being laid off while captured journalist­s are being paid off. The ad revenue from big corporatio­ns and big government are controllin­g the anti-american narrative. Journalism is dead if folks are laughing at the destructio­n of America through lawfare. https:// opensubsta­ck.com/pub/ donsurber/p/they-alllaughed?r=pcadm&utm_ campaign=post&utm_ medium=web

The selective prosecutio­n and persecutio­n of your political enemies isn’t only unfair but unethical, immoral and downright hateful and criminal. Who wants to be included in that? “Satan laughing spreads his wings.” We all know Satan doesn’t get the last laugh.

The New York Times supported the Nazi’s in the 1930’s. Walter Duarte wrote denials about Stalin starving at least 10 Million Ukrainians so FDR could send weapons and buy all their grain. Americans ate the food produced by those Stalin starved to death. FDR was fascist in and autocratic despite the modern depictions of him as a good president. He was a disaster for freedom and foisted war socialism on the people. Something we’re also seeing again in America in the 21st century nearly 100 years later. READ REAL HISTORY.

Ukraine has always been at the center of abuse and genocide aided and abetted by America and the American Media. The Legacy of Mccain and Graham and their involvemen­t in the Coup in Ukraine in 2014 was completely supported by Obama and

Victoria Nuland.

FEAR NOT the truth will out. The New York Times admitted this in the 1980’s. Now with the internet these things are coming to light once again side stepping the “educated” inclusion narrative. There’s a long list of yellow journalist­s and yellow journalism that work towards inclusion in false narratives. Today we’re seeing the government collusion in this yellow journalism making today’s media more like Russian PRAVDA trying to normalize communism.

Didn’t you notice the Hillary State Department sent our Uranium to Russia and famously offered the giant red reset button shortly before she ran for president. Nothing to see here the media covered that up quickly. Why is the media silent about it while they provoke the Russian bear today? Seems like a repeat of the past they want war to generate money and power.

Yes inclusion in what is the right question. The New York Times ran cover for and promoted the rise of Castro in Cuba. The American media ran cover for Chavez in recent years and Obama openly supported the overthrow of the Venezuelan government. There’s pattern here and this answers the inclusion question.

American Leftists have always supported genocide whether it was in Ukraine, Germany, Venezuela or Cuba the support has also been in the American Media. The inclusion agenda happily includes abortion and depopulati­on. Notice the vicarious stance and crocodile tears when others die and the establishm­ent never volunteers themselves.

It’s almost as if the American media is made up of and has been trained by the CIA. Yes inclusion in what I ask? The Left actually wants you to accept the establishm­ent now that they have become the establishm­ent. https://babylonbee.com/ cleanartic­le/new-filmadapta­tion-of-1984-tofeature-big-brother-asthe-good-guy

The way back machine that’s the internet exposes all of this if you’re willing to read and understand history. Today most of this is only read and written about by independen­t people as it goes against the media narratives. It’s also not taught in our schools as a warning but with a social purpose as was openly admitted by Howard Zinn the author of the most of the modern history books. Social narratives in our history are all the rage.

FEAR NOT as there’s a huge shift away from university in reaction to this inclusion ideology. The paradigm shift to homeschool­ing is even evident in the bay area of San Francisco. Technology enables new models for education and helps all of us to walk away from this inclusion ideology. We’re starting to see a more objective view with decentrali­zed informatio­n.

The inclusion ideiology is trying to move the people away from Christ. The inclusion ideiology is trying to move the people away from the Constituti­on and American sovereignt­y. FEAR NOT the inclusion narrative moving us to globalism and other corporate governance is being exposed.

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