Portsmouth Herald

New ‘Gang of 8’ in US House an embarrassm­ent

- Alicia Preston Xanthopoul­os

As a Republican and more importantl­y an American, I am completely embarrasse­d by the current ongoing nonsense in our U.S. Congress. A new “Gang of 8” has hijacked the Republican conference and in a great irony enrobed in hypocrisy, worked with Democrats to oust the speaker of the House for the political sin of working with Democrats, to get a measure passed to stop a government shutdown.

So, there is no speaker of the House, just an “acting” one, and government can’t or won’t get anything done until there is one, who knows how long that may actually take. Oh, and the continuing resolution to continue funding the government runs out Nov. 17, so it’s not like there’s a lot of time to be wasting, but wasting it they are. Why? Well, I’m not going to name the eight members of Congress who caused this mess, because that’s the only reason they did it — publicity. If they cared about the government functionin­g, thereby if they actually cared about the people of this nation, we wouldn’t be in the situation we’re in. This persistent train of chaos needs to have the tracks removed if we want anything done in Washington.

Those elected officials who championed the idea of the government shutting down, either don’t understand how this country works or don’t care and just want to be a household name at all costs. Those who furthered sewed the seeds of mayhem by ousting the speaker with no Plan B, have abdicated the most basic job function: working for the interests of the people of America.

“I do solemnly swear…that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter” is in the oath taken by each of those that chose to proverbial­ly burn down the People’s House. I don’t see who could argue that any one of them is “well and faithfully” dischargin­g the duties of the office by shutting down the functionin­g of a governing body for not allowing the federal government itself to shut down. Each of them has breached their oaths.

Some say, “who cares?” Some of those same people will then discuss the need for border security, immigratio­n policy, increased gas production or pipelines and reduction in certain taxes and regulation­s that are strangling parts of economy and the need to pay down the national debt. I’m curious, how is any of that going to get done when we have a Congress that functions less effectivel­y than an eighth-grade student council? (I’m still waiting for gum chewing to be allowed in class.)

What is the end game here? Who wins? What are the goals of the attention-seeking-disruptors other than getting attention for disrupting? Being a disruptor has gained some popularity among some in the political class, but politician­s don’t just represent their sycophants or themselves, they’re supposed to represent us. What is the message of “How dare you work with someone across the partisan aisle to do what’s right for the American people”? Most of us out here think you absolutely should work with those of another political persuasion to accomplish the goals you were elected to accomplish…such as, paying the country’s bills. When did “compromise” become such a dirty word? That’s all that happened here. The Republican speaker of the House worked on legislatio­n to continue funding the government, and gave a few concession­s to Democrats in the divided House in order to get the job done. Yes, he compromise­d, good for him. That’s his job.

Republican­s are in for a very rude awakening in 2024 if we think these chaotic tactics are anything but embarrassi­ng and a complete “middle-America” repellent. Republican­s will lose control of the House, lose seats in the Senate and lose the White House and the concept of “compromise” will no longer be on the table, because Democrats will have sufficient numbers in each body to do whatever they want. Hey, New Gang of 8, is that what you want?

Congress needs to settle down, stop the grandstand­ing and take Bill Belichick’s advice and simply, “do your job.” But, they won’t unless we tell them to, require them to and hold their feet to the fire when they don’t. As of today, their toes should be getting pretty toasty.

Alicia Preston Xanthopoul­os is a former political consultant and member of the media. She’s a native of Hampton Beach where she lives with her family and two poodles. Write to her at PrestonPer­spective@gmail.com.

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