Portsmouth Herald

Fiction reflects fact: It can happen here


March 26 −To the Editor

In his novel “It Can't Happen Here” (1935), Sinclair Lewis tellingly foresees the dangers to our democracy posed by a Donald Trump presidency. Lewis is one of America's most famous and accomplish­ed authors, having also written Babbitt (1922), Arrowsmith (1925), and Main Street (1920).

“It Can't Happen Here,” tells the rise of populist senator and attention-grabbing orator Buzz Wndrip to the United States presidency. When people attend a Windrip rally, they learn “how charismati­c Windrip really is; even though Windrip doesn't make any coherent point, he's so passionate and relatable that people genuinely start to believe that he will solve all their problems.” (ListCharts)

As I learned during the many years I lived in Live Free or Die New Hampshire, many Granite Staters prefer to believe that the United States has a bedrock democracy that cannot be shaken. We are too independen­t, too intelligen­t, and will fiercely defend our freedom. We may be kidding ourselves. As soon as Windrip becomes president, he deposes the Supreme Court, throttles Congress, controls the media, and suppresses all political parties other than his own. Even now, Trump's authoritar­ian nature moves him to control others who do not agree with him.

“Through his satire, Lewis encourages his readers to defend their nation's democracy and reject any political movement that claims it must take away people's rights and freedoms in order to save them from threats – lest they fail to recognize the true threat until it is too late.” (ListCharts).

Gary Patton

(Formerly of Hampton)

Princeton, NJ

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