Portsmouth Herald

Letter on green energy contained climate misinforma­tion


April 24 − To the Editor:

When Mr. Jim Fernald in his April 23rd letter to the editor makes the assertion that “not all green energy is clean energy,” let's keep in mind that there is no such thing as 100% clean energy that comes without some environmen­tal cost. Mr. Fernald's critique of EVs and offshore wind sound like talking points from the oil and gas industry.

Consider first the relatively small volume of lithium and cobalt used in the lifetime of an electric vehicle (approx. 1 kg of each), and how both can be recycled. By comparison, a study out of Europe determined that the fuel consumptio­n for an average sized car is comparable to a tower of oil barrels stacked as high as a 25-foot-high building. And all that combusted gasoline contribute­s to greenhouse gas emissions over the lifetime of the car.

Mr. Fernald also references “reports” of harm to whales, dolphins, seals, and phytoplank­ton by wind farms. I wonder where those reports originate – Fox News perhaps? All these species are adversely affected by rising sea temperatur­es related to climate change. An engine search on the subject will uncover no reputable marine scientists attributin­g an alarming increase in these species' mortality to any offshore wind technology.

Our country may or may not overcome a crisis of disinforma­tion. If we can stop the re-election of Trump and preserve our democratic system, the next test will be whether we can overcome climate disinforma­tion and do what must be done to address this existentia­l threat. Phil Harford


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