Post Tribune (Sunday)

Experts: Putin’s campaign ‘dreadful’

But analysts think Russia can achieve aims through force

- By Ellen Knickmeyer

WASHINGTON — The signs are abundant of how Ukraine frustrated Vladimir Putin’s hopes for a swift victory and how Russia’s military proved far from ready for the fight.

A truck carrying Russian troops crashes, its doors blown open by a rocket-propelled grenade. Foreign-supplied drones target Russian command posts. Orthodox priests in trailing vestments parade Ukraine’s blue and yellow flag in defiance of their Russian captors in the occupied city of Berdyansk.

Russia has lost hundreds of tanks and its death toll is on a pace to outstrip that of the country’s previous military campaigns in recent years.

Yet nearly a month into the war, with Putin’s initial aim of an easy change in government in Kyiv long gone, Russia’s military still has a strong hand. With their greater might and stockpile of city-flattening munitions, Russian forces can fight on for whatever the Russian president may plan next, whether leveraging a negotiated settlement or brute destructio­n, military analysts say.

“His instinct will be always to double down because he’s got himself into a dreadful mess, a huge strategic blunder,” said Michael Clarke, former head of the British-based Royal United Services Institute, a defense think tank.

“And I don’t think it’s in his character to try to retrieve that, except by carrying on, going forward,” he said.

Putin’s forces are waging Russia’s largest, most complex combined military campaign since taking Berlin in 1945. His initial objective, which he announced Feb. 24, was to “demilitari­ze” Ukraine and save its people from “neo-Nazis” — a false descriptio­n of Ukraine’s government, which is led by a Jewish president.

At the start, Russians thought “they would install, you know, some pro-Russian government and call it a day and declare victory,”

said Dmitry Gorenburg, a researcher on Russia’s security at the Virginia-based CNA think tank. “That was sort of Plan A, and as near as we can tell, they didn’t really have a Plan B.”

Russia’s first apparent plan — attack key Ukrainian military targets, and make a quick run to Kyiv, the capital — failed immediatel­y. It was foiled by Ukraine’s defenses along with the countless mistakes and organizati­onal failures by a Russian force that had been told it was only mobilized for military drills.

With no friendly population to welcome them, Russian forces reverted to

tactics from their past offensives in Syria and Chechnya — dropping bombs and lobbing missiles into cities and towns, sending millions of men, women and children fleeing.

Overall, Russians appear to be fighting with three objectives now: to surround Kyiv, to encircle spread-out Ukrainian fighters in the east and to break through to the major port city of Odesa in the west, said Michael Kofman, an expert on the Russian military and program director at CNA.

Kofman cautions that much of the informatio­n on the war is coming from Ukrainians or from their

American or other allies. That makes the partial picture skewed and a full picture impossible.

The math of military conquests and occupation may be against Putin in Ukraine.

Estimates of Russian deaths vary widely. Yet even conservati­ve figures are in the low thousands. That’s a much faster pace than in previous Russian offensives.

Russia had 64 deaths in five days of fighting during its 2008 war with Georgia. It lost about 15,000 in Afghanista­n over 10 years, and more than 11,000 over years of fighting in Chechnya.

Russia’s number of dead and wounded in Ukraine is nearing the 10% benchmark of diminished combat effectiven­ess, Gorenburg said. The reported battlefiel­d deaths of four Russian generals — out of an estimated 20 in the fight — signal impaired command, he said.

Researcher­s tracking only those Russian equipment losses photograph­ed or recorded on video say Russia has lost more than 1,500 tanks, trucks, mounted equipment and other heavy gear. Two out of three of those were captured or abandoned, signaling the failings of the Russian troops that let them go.

Meanwhile, Russia needs to limit its use of smart, long-range missiles in case they’re needed in any larger war with NATO, military analysts say.

On Saturday, the Russian military said it has used its latest hypersonic missile for the first time in combat, claiming that the Kinzhal, with a range of up to about 1,250 miles, destroyed an undergroun­d warehouse storing Ukrainian missiles and aviation ammunition.

When it comes to the grinding job of capturing and holding cities, convention­al military metrics suggest Russia needs a 5-to-1 advantage in urban fighting, analysts say. Meanwhile, the formula for ruling a restive territory in the face of armed opposition is 20 fighters for every 1,000 people — or 800,000 Russian troops for Ukraine’s more than 40 million people, Clarke, the British researcher, notes.

That’s almost as many as Russia’s entire active-duty military of 900,000.

 ?? VADIM GHIRDA/AP ?? A destroyed Russian tank is seen on March 9 in Irpin, Ukraine, near the capital city of Kyiv.
VADIM GHIRDA/AP A destroyed Russian tank is seen on March 9 in Irpin, Ukraine, near the capital city of Kyiv.

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