
Director’s move prompts closing of Howe gallery


HOWE — The Kingsbury House Gallery in Howe soon will close its doors.

Gallery director Linda Chase confirmed that Friday is the last day the local art gallery will be open. Chase told The News Sun the decision to close the gallery was made two weeks ago, and she has been notifying artists who displayed and sold their work in Howe, as well as the gallery’s customers.

The art gallery first opened more than five years ago. In that time, the Kingsbury House Gallery had come to showcase more than 60 local artists whose work hung on its walls. The art displayed was for sale. The gallery included oil paintings, watercolor­s, photograph­y, pottery and sculptures. In recent years, Chase expanded the operation to include an art studio for teaching painting and a pottery studio. Both of those will close, as well.

Chase said she first came to Howe more than seven years ago to visit family and fell in love with the town. She has a long resume in the art world, having operated an art gallery in Bend, Ore., for more than 10 years, and having sold commercial art in southern California.

Chase said the gallery in Howe happened by chance, after she and the building’s owner, Richard Frischkorn, bumped into one another on the town’s streets and started talking about art.

In a card Chase sent to both her artists and her customers, she explained the gallery was closing and said the time spent in Howe had been some of the best of her life.

“I loved every minute. I have met over 60 incredible artists and you, my clients, have become my good friends,” the card stated. “I appreciate your loyalty, friends and your interest in the gallery, and I will miss all of you. Thank you for making my time here in Howe a wonderful and memorable experience.”

The gallery opened after Frischkorn completed renovating the 160-year-old building. The Kingsbury House, built in 1864, was originally a hotel.

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