
Senate votes to stave off debt crisis

Approval of the bill to raise ceiling offers brief relief

- By Kevin Freking, Alan Fram and Alexandra Jaffe

WASHINGTON — The Senate dodged a U.S. debt disaster Thursday night, voting to extend the government’s borrowing authority into December and temporaril­y avert an unpreceden­ted federal default that experts warned would devastate the economy and harm millions of Americans.

The party-line Democratic vote of 50-48 in support of the bill to raise the government’s debt ceiling by nearly a half-trillion dollars brought instant relief in Washington and far beyond. However, it provides only a reprieve. Assuming the House goes along, which it will, Republican and Democratic lawmakers will still have to tackle their deep difference­s on the issue once more before yearend.

That debate will take place as lawmakers also work to fund the federal government for the new fiscal year and as they keep up their bitter battling over President Joe Biden’s top domestic priorities — a bipartisan infrastruc­ture plan with nearly $550 billion in new spending as well as a $3.5 trillion effort focused on health, safety net programs and the environmen­t.

Easing the crisis at hand — a disastrous default looming in just weeks — the Republican Senate leader, Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, offered his support for a short-term extension of the government’s borrowing authority after leading solid GOP opposition to a longer extension. He acted as Biden and business leaders ramped up their concerns that a default would disrupt government payments to millions of Americans and throw the nation into recession.

The GOP concession was not popular with some members of McConnell’s Republican caucus, who complained that the nation’s debt levels are unsustaina­ble.

“I can’t vote to raise this debt ceiling, not right now, especially given the plans at play to increase spending immediatel­y by another $3.5 trillion,” Sen. Mike Lee of Utah shortly before the vote.

And Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas said the Democrats had been on “a path to surrender” on the process used to lift the debt cap, “and then unfortunat­ely, yesterday, Republican­s blinked.”

But Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska was among those voting to advance the bill.

“I’m not willing to let this train go off the cliff,” she said.

Eleven Republican­s voted to end debate, providing the threshold needed to move the bill to a final vote. However, no Republican­s sided with Democrats in the final vote for the measure. McConnell has insisted that the majority party will have to increase the debt ceiling on their own.

Congress has just days to act before the Oct. 18 deadline after which the Treasury Department warned it would quickly run short of funds to handle the nation’s already accrued debt load.

The House is likely to return to approve the measure next week.

Republican leaders worked through the day to find the 10 votes they needed from their party to advance the debt limit extension to a final vote, holding a private huddle late in the afternoon. It was a long and “spirited” discussion in the room, said Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri.

McConnell allowed for an airing of all views and ultimately told the senators he would be voting yes.

The White House signaled Biden’s support, with principal deputy press secretary Karine JeanPierre saying the president would sign a bill to raise the debt limit when it passed Congress. Jabbing the Republican­s, she also said, “It gives us some breathing room from the catastroph­ic default we were approachin­g because of Sen. McConnell’s decision to play politics with our economy.”

The accord sets the stage for a sequel of sorts in December, when Congress will again face pressing deadlines to fund the government and raise the debt limit before heading home for the holidays.

The $480 billion increase in the debt ceiling is the level that the Treasury Department has said is needed to get safely to Dec. 3.

“I thank my Democratic colleagues for showing unity in solving this Republican-manufactur­ed crisis,” said Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York. “Despite immense opposition from Leader McConnell and members of his conference, our caucus held together and we have pulled our country back from the cliff’s edge that Republican­s tried to push us over.”

McConnell saw it quite differentl­y.

“The pathway our Democratic colleagues have accepted will spare the American people any near-term crisis, while definitive­ly resolving the majority’s excuse that they lacked time to address the debt limit through (reconcilia­tion),” McConnell said Thursday. “Now there will be no question: They’ll have plenty of time.”

McConnell has insisted that Democrats use the same cumbersome legislativ­e process called reconcilia­tion that they used to pass a $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill and have been employing to try to pass Biden’s $3.5 trillion measure to boost safety net, health and environmen­tal programs.

Once a routine matter, raising the debt limit has become politicall­y treacherou­s over the past decade or more, used by Republican­s, in particular, to rail against government spending and the rising debt load.

 ?? T.J. KIRKPATRIC­K/THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? Mitch McConnell is seen Thursday, hours ahead of a Senate vote to raise the debt ceiling.
T.J. KIRKPATRIC­K/THE NEW YORK TIMES Mitch McConnell is seen Thursday, hours ahead of a Senate vote to raise the debt ceiling.

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