
Family struggles with extremes over holidays

- By Amy Dickinson askamy@amydickins­ Twitter@askingamy Copyright 2021 by Amy Dickinson

Dear Amy: In our ninemember family, we have two people at extremes: One is a staunch antimasker and anti-vaxxer. The other is paranoid in her efforts to be safe.

All family members (except the anti’s three) have been vaccinated.

We traditiona­lly have family gatherings at our home for most holidays.

The anti-vaxxer will usually scoff at any virus protection shown by anyone when there is a gathering.

The paranoid one refuses to come in our house if the anti has been there in the previous 24 hours. Reasoning with either of the two extremes has been fruitless.

My wife and I are currently considerin­g splitting the gatherings.

This is very sad and means diluting the festivitie­s we enjoy so much.

We are hoping you may have some suggestion­s.

— Stuck

Dear Stuck: As lonely as last year’s holiday season was, I have a feeling that many will look back on the weird and isolated winter holiday season of 2020 with a certain nostalgia: Eating dinner off disinfecte­d TV trays and watching “A Christmas Story” after the family Zoom meal might hold a certain appeal, certainly when you compare it to the complicati­on of entertaini­ng extremists.

You have two groups of family members representi­ng pandemic polar opposites, but they have something important in common: Neither seems to be applying common sense to this challenge.

You have taken this on as a problem you hope to solve. You’ve done your own risk assessment and obviously don’t believe that having unvaccinat­ed people in your home presents a risk to you and yours.

I think you should host your holiday meal (if you still want to) and let the usual parties know the time and place. Let them decide whether to attend.

If your more risk-averse relative doesn’t feel safe in your home and is only willing to see vaccinated family members, then could she host her own gathering on another day in an atmosphere where she feels safe?

You might let all of your family members know ahead of time that if anyone chooses to degrade other family members or engage in rude or antisocial behavior, you may ask them to leave.

Dear Amy: My mother recently passed away unexpected­ly, and I have to clean out her condo.

My problem is that there are so many things that have such strong memories for me. I’m overwhelme­d about what to do with all of it.

I live in a small onebedroom apartment, so honestly, I would be cramming stuff in.

I feel guilty if I just call someone in to sell it all off.

The memories these things bring up really make this hard. Can you help?

— Overwhelme­d

Dear Overwhelme­d: This sad task would be made much easier for you if you had even one person who would do it with you.

It is important that you feel supported; you also deserve to have a compassion­ate witness to your memories. If you can’t find a friend to help, you should call in a profession­al.

People who do this sort of elder “clean out” for a living often understand the complicate­d emotions that are brought up. Call your local Office on Aging for a referral.

This task will be made easier if you break it down into smaller categories. Start with the kitchen, and have four open boxes: Keep, Donate, Unsure, Trash. Make sure to photograph items. These photos will help to keep your memories fresh, for a time in the future when you’re ready to revisit them.

If you are paralyzed, you might want to rent a small storage unit to house items until you are ready.

Dear Amy: “Exasperate­d” shared an experience I’ve been through — the frustratio­n of her husband entering the room and insisting that she immediatel­y stop texting or answering an email.

In addition to your advice, you asked Exasperate­d to take a look at her own behavior.

I did this recently and realized that my phone had completely infiltrate­d my family time.

— Working on Unplugging

Dear Working: A lot of us need to work on unplugging.

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