
Abe’s dream now belongs to Kishida

- By Gearoid Reidy

In the specter of Shinzo Abe’s shocking assassinat­ion, the party to which he dedicated his life secured a resounding victory in Sunday’s upper-house election.

Now Fumio Kishida, Abe’s sometimes rival, long-serving foreign minister and now successor, must use his mandate to secure what Abe never could: the ruling Liberal Democratic Party’s long-held goal of constituti­onal reform.

The 75-year-old constituti­on, written by the occupying American army and forbidding Japan the right to possess an offensive military force, has not once been altered despite the best efforts of generation­s of Japanese politician­s, including Abe. Before he was murdered on the campaign trail last week, Abe was the movement’s most prominent voice, and lobbied to the end for his long-held goal.

“If Japan was invaded from overseas, it would be the Self-Defense Forces fighting at the risk of their lives. But nowhere are they mentioned in the constituti­on,” Abe said days before his murder. “I am committed to changing that situation.”

Even now, after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine brought home the reality of the use of force, many dismiss the need for change. The Self-Defense Forces exist even though a literal reading of the constituti­on says they should not. Cabinet reinterpre­tations of the document, most recently in 2015, have just about kept its security clauses relevant.

Kishida undoubtedl­y has other issues on his agenda. Pressure will likely increase on him to consider measures to contain a growing COVID-19 wave. He must also deal with rising inflation, the weak yen, repairing relations with South Korea and myriad questions about security that Japan will be asking itself in the wake of Abe’s death.

But the need for constituti­onal change should not be understate­d. The most pressing concern is a Ukraine-like situation; confusion in a crisis moment must be minimized. Imagine a Chinese invasion of the Senkakus — the islands administer­ed by Japan which China also claims and regularly patrols that are supposedly under the protection of the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty — at a time when a less Japan-friendly administra­tion than Joe Biden’s is in the White House. Japan must be able to respond by itself.

Indeed, there are parallels between the illusions of security Japan believes it has despite the constituti­on, and the confidence Japan had in the safety of its society that may have contribute­d to Abe’s death.

Just as for years Japan has felt as if it’s a society free of violence — the type of place high-profile politician­s can hold stump speeches with minimal security

— it has also seemed to believe in a world where force no longer settles internatio­nal disputes. That first illusion was shattered by Abe’s death on Friday. The second surely ended in February with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Yet Japan clings to its peace constituti­on in an increasing­ly hostile world.

Both ideas confuse the results of decades of good fortune for appropriat­e policy.

The position of the Self-Defense Forces may one day seem as flimsy as the special protection that was supposedly guarding Abe.

Unlike the late premier, Kishida has never been a forceful proponent of constituti­onal change. Indeed, there is confusion over where he even stands on the issue. Since becoming prime minister, Kishida’s rhetoric has moved toward change, but many speculate this was just political cover against Abe, who led the largest faction in the ruling party until his death.

It’s precisely this lack of devotion to the issue that makes Kishida the man who can do what Abe did not. Many in Japan were skeptical of Abe’s nationalis­t, even revisionis­t tendencies, but Kishida has little such baggage.

Fundamenta­lly, a constituti­on must be a living document. Cabinet interpreta­tions may have kept it relevant, but these days one doesn’t need to look too far abroad to see how a society can fragment when a dead document is exposed to reinterpre­tation by partisan politics. Just look at the U.S. and its inability to move forward on legislatio­n on everything from abortion to gun control.

The LDP has been campaignin­g on constituti­onal revision for decades but, perhaps wisely, has tended to see it as an idea that should not yet be put to the test. At some point, though, the LDP must turn it from a vague aspiration to an actual goal. Much like balancing the budget, it can’t be something that is always talked about and never acted upon, precisely the type of “all talk but no action” that turns people off politics.

Those who say Kishida’s victory in Sunday’s elections does not constitute a mandate may have a point. Upper-house votes typically have a very low turnout; that Sunday’s was not the lowest in history may only be due to Abe’s murder.

But Kishida now has time to lead, having won three elections in a row — party, lower and upper houses since his predecesso­r Yoshihide Suga resigned last September. Among the reasons that Abe’s death was so shocking was because, as a leader, he made the difficult decisions. From the sales tax hikes to the Trans-Pacific Partnershi­p to changes to security legislatio­n, he bore the brunt of public dissatisfa­ction with unpopular but necessary moves.

Those accomplish­ments will resonate for decades, having helped set Japan on a better course. Kishida, whose time in power has so far been more like an extended audition for the role, must now start to make these hard calls himself. He need look no further than Abe’s cherished goal as a place to start.

 ?? EUGENE HOSHIKO/POOL VIA AP 2020 ?? Japan’s former Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida, left, and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe celebrate after the Liberal Democratic Party’s leadership election. Kishida replaced Yoshihide Suga as prime minister in 2021. Abe was assassinat­ed last Friday.
EUGENE HOSHIKO/POOL VIA AP 2020 Japan’s former Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida, left, and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe celebrate after the Liberal Democratic Party’s leadership election. Kishida replaced Yoshihide Suga as prime minister in 2021. Abe was assassinat­ed last Friday.

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