
Parent stuck in middle of complicate­d split

- By Amy Dickinson askamy@amydickins­ Twitter@askingamy Copyright 2024 by Amy Dickinson

Dear Amy: My daughter is 37 and has been married for 15 years. She and her husband have three boys, ages 13, 10 and 3.

She pursued a divorce in the most destructiv­e way possible by moving a male “friend” (who has three children of his own) into her marital home. He needed lodging because of his pending divorce. My son-in-law allowed it. Later, when the “friend” moved into his apartment, my daughter moved in with him.

My daughter and son-inlaw are now at the point where they need to decide who keeps the house. Both of them want to buy the other out, but will not be able to do so without financial help from my husband and me.

To keep my grandsons in their home, I am inclined to assist my son-in-law instead of my daughter. He has a well-paying job that negates the possibilit­y of foreclosur­e, while my daughter has just entered the workforce and is making a low wage. I don’t see how she could possibly make house payments.

I am willing to help my daughter financiall­y in other ways — with rent on an apartment, for instance.

I want what is best for my grandchild­ren. Should I butt out and let the home be sold and any profit divided between them? Neither of them will find comparable living space they will be able to afford, and the children having to “downgrade” is distressin­g.

I’m trying to avoid a battle with my daughter, but she will be upset if we help her soon-to-be ex retain the house, no matter what we may offer to her. — Financiall­y Secure

Dear Financiall­y Secure: You should not offer to finance this house. For the time being, in order to keep the children in their home, the couple might consider “nesting,” which is when the kids stay in the house and the estranged parents trade off staying in the home. You might consider helping with rent on a small nearby apartment where the non-custodial parent will stay during the days the other is in the home with the kids.

Your daughter voluntaril­y left the home and partnered up with this “friend,” who has children. If she ended up owning the home, she could move this man (and possibly his kids) into the home — a major disruption for all of the children.

If you financed the house, you might be tempted to try to control who lives there, embroiling you further in this mess. You can benefit the grandchild­ren (without interferin­g) by always welcoming them into your home as a stable safe harbor.

Dear Amy: I married “Bob” five years ago. When we met, he had been raising his two daughters alone for three years.

His former wife has been diagnosed with a mental health disorder. Through the three years it took to finalize their divorce, she was arrested for stalking one daughter after defying a restrainin­g order. She was not attempting to physically harm the daughter, but was knowingly going against the court order.

She maintained occasional supervised visitation for a few years, but again violated a court order and dropped out of sight.

This happened before Bob and I met. The drama traumatize­d the children. They seem afraid of their mother and in therapy have said that they don’t want contact with her.

My husband’s ex recently reached out to me via private message. She explained that she had been in treatment and that she is desperate to see her children now that she has recovered.

My heart broke, and I would like to help her. What do you think?

— Sensitive Stepmother

Dear Sensitive: My response is a hard “no.” Turn this contact over to your husband. You were not present when all of this was happening.

His ex is going through you because she believes you will be more easily manipulate­d (and she’s right). If she is serious about this, then she should contact the girls’ dad.

Dear Amy: I cannot believe that you suggested that “Superstiti­ous” should throw his old wedding ring into the creek!

Here you are, recommendi­ng that readers should pollute the environmen­t and our waterways with their trash. Thanks for doing such a great job!

— Disgusted

Dear Disgusted: You’re … welcome?

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