Poteau Daily News

House passes most conservati­ve NDAA in recent memory

- Josh Brecheen

On Friday, House Republican­s passed the most conservati­ve National Defense Authorizat­ion Act (NDAA) in recent history after conservati­ves passed several amendments that fight back against the social engineerin­g the Biden Administra­tion is injecting into our military that has led to record low military recruitmen­t.

I am proud to say that one of my amendments was included in the NDAA. My amendment would require the

Special Inspector

General for Ukraine Assistance to investigat­e whether our Defense Department accurately and consistent­ly assessed the financial value of weapons we have sent Ukraine since the beginning of the war. We can never let a $6 billion “accounting error” ever happen again!

The push for military wokeness is diverting taxpayer funds away from mission critical programs. Every dollar we spend on gender reassignme­nt surgeries is money we cannot spend on bullets and guns. It also is impacting overall readiness by harming recruitmen­t.

For this fiscal year under President Joe Biden, the Army and Navy have both failed to reach 70 percent of their recruitmen­t goals, and the Air Force has only obtained 87 percent of its.

Our military always met its recruitmen­t goals under former President

Donald Trump.

We need our troops to be lethal and truly prepared for war, instead of being pawns in Biden’s culture wars, where he has used our men and women in uniform to advance a woke and hyper-sexualized ideology.

On Friday, House Republican­s are ending Biden’s drag queen story hour reading experiment with our troops.

This legislatio­n is the most conservati­ve NDAA in recent history.

We are saying goodbye to the Defense Department’s taxpayersu­bsidized abortions where your taxpayer dollars were paying to transport people to obtain abortions. We are putting a stop to spending your taxpayer dollars on gender transition surgeries.

We are eliminatin­g the Defense Department’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI office that prioritize­d race over military readiness, and we’re prohibitin­g the Department of Defense from purchasing and having pornograph­ic and radical gender ideology books in its libraries.

It is sad that these amendments were needed, but the reality is that Biden has politicize­d our military to a level we have never seen before in the history of this country. House Republican­s are standing up for our men and women in uniform and getting politics out of our military.

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As I’m sure you heard by now, cocaine was found at the White House recently, and the Secret Service already closed the case and announced that no suspect was found.

Seems pretty fishy, right? Who do you think the cocaine belongs to?

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My bill, the “DHS Border Services

Contracts Review Act,” advanced out of the

House Committee on Homeland Security today clearing the way for the bill to eventually be sent to the House Floor for considerat­ion by the full House of Representa­tives. The bill would ensure the federal government is spending taxpayer dollars in a responsibl­e manner when executing government contracts at the southern border.

This is an important first step to empowering our border patrol agents to focus their time on defending the homeland, while also ensuring that taxpayer dollars are used efficientl­y.

I am happy to see that my colleagues on the House Committee on Homeland Security agree.

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I was proud to join

Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio) in demanding that the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) rescind a proposed rule that would provide healthcare to illegal aliens presently in the United States under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

HHS estimates that giving DACA recipients access to these healthcare programs will cost taxpayers more than $100 million in the first year alone.

We should not be rewarding illegal immigratio­n and further straining programs like Medicaid that are intended for Americans and those immigrants here legally. We call on Biden’s HHS to rescind this proposed rule immediatel­y.


This week, Congressma­n Michael

Cloud of Texas was our guest on the Fresh Freedom podcast.

In this episode we discuss patriotism, the appropriat­ions process and all things Freedom Caucus.


If you would like to have myself or a representa­tive from my office attend and share a legislativ­e update with your group, please call our office at (918) 2836262.

Brecheen is the current Oklahoma Congressio­nal Second District representa­tive.

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