Poteau Daily News

Old people birthday presents

- By James Lockhart

My wife gave me a choice of birthday presents this year.

I could have my medicine that insurance doesn’t pay for or a real birthday present. I chose the medicine.

My mom had called a week or so before my birthday.

She said she was going to buy me a nice pair of cowboy boots, ones that I could wear to Sunday school or to a meeting. She said she’d also thought about getting me a new recliner.

The recliner I’ve used for several years is her old one. It wasn’t just a few days and my old hand me down recliner broke.

So, mom got me a new one as my birthday present. I can remember it was just a few years ago I used to get really cool birthday presents. I got a gun one year. Another year my wife got me a really cool painting of me roping at Cheyenne, Wyoming on my good horse Gus.

My grandpa liked giving cool gifts for birthdays and Christmas.

He made it fun. I always looked forward to what he got me for Christmas or my birthday. It was easy to see he always put a lot of thought into the gifts he got.

He wasn’t wealthy and the gifts he gave weren’t all that expensive, but he had a knack for knowing what you needed.

I feel like I’m at the age to where I don’t really need a gift. I’d rather do something really fun for my birthday. This year I’m hoping a roping for my birthday.

I have bought some prizes and plotted and planned for months trying to work out the details.

It’s kind of funny in a way though. I got medicine for my birthday.

I don’t think I’d ever have dreamed of that. Welcome to old age…….

James Lockhart lives near the Kiamichi mountains in southeast Oklahoma. He writes cowboy stories and fools with cows and horses.

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