Power & Motor Yacht

Lake George, NY


I grew up in Bolton, New York, which is located on the shore of Lake George. I can assure you, the lake is one of the best boating destinatio­ns around. Sometimes referred to as the Queen of American Lakes, it was first named by St. Isaac Jogues, who called it Lac du Saint Sacrement, or Lake of the Blessed Sacrament, because its shape resembles a crucifix and host. It was renamed during the French and Indian War in honor of King George of England. It’s a magnificen­t body of water. About 32 miles long, it has over 170 islands (148 are state-owned) to explore. I suggest you dive into the lake and open your mouth and drink, as many of us natives still do; then stare down into some of the clearest water you’ll ever see and take it all in; the experience will never leave you. In fact, you’ll probably want to do it again, year after year. The south end of the lake has many restaurant­s, bars, and things to do with the kids. As you proceed north toward the Narrows of Lake George, you will find more and more natural beauty at places like Paradise Bay, Shelving Rock, and Rodgers Slide. —Peter Luchini

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