Press-Telegram (Long Beach)

Hold on, mister: What’s potato toy’s name again?


Is it Mr. Potato Head or not? Hasbro created confusion Thursday when it announced it would drop the “Mr.” from the brand’s name in order to be more inclusive and so all could feel “welcome in the Potato Head world.”

It also said it would sell a new playset this fall without the Mr. and Mrs. designatio­ns that will let kids create their own type of potato families, including two moms or two dads.

But in a tweet later that afternoon, Hasbro clarified that while the brand is changing, the actual Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head characters will still live on and be sold in stores. In a picture posted on Twitter, the “Mr.” and “Mrs.” names are less prominentl­y displayed at the bottom of the box, instead of the top.

“While it was announced today that the POTATO HEAD brand name & logo are dropping the ‘MR.’ I yam proud to confirm that MR. & MRS. POTATO HEAD aren’t going anywhere and will remain MR. & MRS. POTATO HEAD,” the company tweeted.

The tweet came after news of the brand name change exploded on Twitter, with people asking if Barbie will change her name next. “I think Hasbro needs to drop the ‘Bro’ and just be ‘Has,’ ” another person tweeted.

Hasbro appears to want to have it both ways: expand the brand while not killing off its most iconic characters, which appeared in the “Toy Story” films.

“They are looking to broaden the franchise,” said Robert Passikoff, founder of marketing consultanc­y Brand Keys. “You take the focus of what is essentiall­y one character and now allow it to be a platform for many characters.”

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