Press-Telegram (Long Beach)

A first look at the seven state propositio­ns


At least there are only seven. The list of California ballot measures for the November election was finalized last week by Secretary of State Shirley Weber.

We have already made our thoughts known on two of them. For the others, we will meet with representa­tives in support and opposition before making any recommenda­tions on how to vote.

Here's our first look. Propositio­n 1 is a response to the recent Supreme Court decision overturnin­g the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, which legalized abortion in all 50 states. This propositio­n would enshrine the right to an abortion in the California Constituti­on.

However, the state already legalized abortion in 1967. In 2002, the Legislatur­e further passed the Reproducti­ve Privacy Act, which effectivel­y codified Roe in state law. The California Supreme Court has also ruled that a right to abortion is protected under the already existing right to privacy in the state constituti­on.

Propositio­n 1, then, can easily be perceived as posturing by the state politician­s. On the other hand, it raises an important issue for voters to decide. Most California­ns generally support lawful access to abortion and many are concerned about the prospects that, some day, settled law could be overturned even in a state like California.

Propositio­ns 26 and 27 would legalize sports gambling, but subject them to varying regulatory schemes. One is backed by corporate entities, the other by California tribes.

In general we favor legalized sports gambling, so we have no qualms about the foundation­al issue. But we have questions about whether either of these measures are the best way forward.

As Adrian Moore, vice president of the libertaria­n Reason Foundation, told us, “The initiative­s unfortunat­ely both are designed to create a windfall for a narrow slice of the gambling industry that has sponsored them. They would exploit that market power to the detriment of gamblers and taxpayers.”

Propositio­n 28 would mandate $500 million to $1 billion in arts funding in California's schools. This measure is being championed by former Los Angeles Unified School District Superinten­dent Austin Beutner.

Propositio­n 29 would place burdensome rules on kidney dialysis clinics. This is the third time this matter has been placed before voters, having been decisively rejected twice before. This measure is plainly a cynical and disgusting effort by the SEIUUnited Healthcare Workers union to strong-arm dialysis providers. We have already urged voters to reject this measure.

Propositio­n 30 would slap a new, 1.75% income tax on those making $2 million or more a year. Up to $4.5 billion in new taxes would fund such measures as charging stations for electric cars, as well as a wildfire prevention fund. Ostensibly, this measure is intended to combat the harms of climate change. Do the proponents have a strong case? We'll find out.

Propositio­n 31 places a 2020 state law Newsom signed banning flavored tobacco products before the voters. A Yes vote keeps in place the law. A No overturns it. Supporters of the law say it's needed to protect the children, but selling nicotine products to children is already illegal. All this law does is deprive adults the freedom to choose flavored nicotine products, including flavored vapes, which studies show can help some people ease out of their more harmful smoking habits. We opposed this bill when the Legislatur­e approved it and we oppose it now. Vote No.

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