Press-Telegram (Long Beach)

Do immigrants `dilute' the culture?


It is pretty clear that Scott Baugh and others who have this notion of an America fabric being torn apart by “others” don't believe the Germans, Italians or Irish diluted America.

I doubt you'll find many who would say they believe Chinese and Japanese Americans, who all faced horrific, even violent discrimina­tion, have fundamenta­lly “diluted” America.

I doubt you'll find many who think that rapid influxes of immigrants and refugees from places like Armenia, Cuba, Iran or Vietnam at various points in history “diluted” America.

Immigrants and refugees today are no different. They aren't coming here to destroy the fabric of America. And no, they're not coming here for the food stamps or whatever. They're here and they want to come here because they view America as a land of freedom and opportunit­y. How dare they? isn't happening.

Back in 2015, the National Academies of Sciences published a book on this very issue, concluding that, “Across all measurable outcomes, integratio­n increases over time, with immigrants becoming more like the native-born with more time in the country, and with the second and third generation­s becoming more like other native-born Americans than their parents were.”

The NAS notes that immigrants commit crimes at a fraction of the rate of nativeborn Americans, divorce and have children out of wedlock at lower rates than Americans. But, you know, American culture isn't perfect, and those measures get worse over time.

On the brighter side, immigrants and their descendent­s learn and speak English the more they're here, they economical­ly integrate, they become homeowners, they start businesses.

To the extent that immigrants are having a hard time integratin­g and assimilati­ng, in the case of undocument­ed immigrants, most of that is a function of their legal status.

The solution for those people is simple: legalize them so they can integrate and assimilate.

Likewise, expand legal pathways for people to live and work here, that way you can reduce the need for so many people to illegally immigrate. It's not rocket science.

The thing is, even Scott Baugh recognizes this.

In a 2014 commentary for the Orange County Register, he supported the establishm­ent of a work-permit program for undocument­ed immigrants.

“To deal with these undocument­ed immigrants, many propose self-deportatio­n, which means that access to employment ... is cut off so that the immigrant wants to self-deport,” he wrote. “These proponents often say `illegal means illegal' and hang their hats on `rule of law' arguments. These phrases bypass the thornier discussion of what to do with undocument­ed immigrants who have grown up in this country, have children born in this country, and have been employed by American businesses and homeowners for decades.”

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