Press-Telegram (Long Beach)

Left's harmful obsessions with race

- By Christia■ Watso■ Christian Watson is a spokesman for Color Us United and the host of Pensive Politics with Christian Watson. Follow him on Twitter at @ officialcw­atson.

Many Americans were shocked to hear the racist remarks made by members of the Los Angeles City Council. But should they have been?

The controvers­y stems from a leaked recording of Los Angeles City Council President Nury Martinez, council members Kevin de León and Gil Cedillo, and Ron Herrera, the now-former head of the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor. During the conversati­on, the four officials discussed how they could protect the voting power of Hispanic Angelenos throughout the city's redistrict­ing. They wanted to ensure that Hispanic voters remained more powerful than black voters.

On its face, that should be controvers­ial, too. But that was far from the worst thing said by the council members. Martinez took it the furthest by claiming her White colleague carried around his adopted Black son like a handbag. She also said the kid needed a “beatdown” and compared him to a monkey.

These remarks are horrifical­ly bigoted and ignorant.

But they're not at all surprising, given the worldviews of those involved.

The left — of which all four officials involved in this disgusting conversati­on are members — has been working to make race a part of every policy decision and discussion. From climate and infrastruc­ture to education and labor policy, there isn't a single issue that isn't analyzed through the lens of race.

That is the stated goal of critical race theory and diversity, equity, and inclusion policies.

But when every issue is looked at through the lens of race, the divine spirit of the individual is lost. Instead of seeing a colleague who loves his son, you see a White man carrying around his “changuito” handbag. It's disgusting and dehumanizi­ng. But it is perfectly in line with the divisive nature of critical race theory and contempora­ry obsessions over diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI).

The overtly racist remarks have rightfully overshadow­ed the rest of the conversati­on, but that conversati­on itself shouldn't be ignored. These four leaders were fighting for one group of people, Hispanics, to have more voting power than another race.

They didn't care if the people in redrawn districts were from similar economic classes. They didn't care if one district had a younger or older population. They cared exclusivel­y about racial and ethnic categories.

And they aren't alone. In Washington, D.C., the City Council passed a policy to increase specifical­ly Black homeowners­hip. In Minnesota, a teachers' union stipulated in contract negotiatio­ns that non-White teachers should be given protection over White teachers. In Vermont, nonWhite residents were given priority access to vaccines.

They could have chosen to try to increase low-income home ownership. Or to protect the best teachers. Or to vaccinate those with the most comorbidit­ies first. But they chose to see race over the individual.

And this has been normalized. Americans don't even think twice about the racist rationale behind these policies; that some racial groups are worth protecting more than others.

The racism spewed by these council members was a feature, not a bug, of the American left's obsession with race.

Groups that advocate for a color-blind America, including my group Color Us United, are smeared as ignorant or racist for suggesting that we should see an individual's character instead of their race. They ignore the boundless evidence that America is not a racist country and instead try to find racial disparitie­s wherever they can. And then the country is shocked when years of dividing Americans on racial lines result in more division and hate, not less.

The casual racial division of the left has been ignored for too long. It's time to wake up to the reality that obsessions with race do not eliminate racism; they give it a second life.

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