Press-Telegram (Long Beach)

Biden faces mounting geopolitic­al perils, risks

- By Douglas Schoe■

Just one month before the United States midterm elections, President Joe Biden is facing a number of escalating geopolitic­al crises that are imperiling his party politicall­y at home and threatenin­g the vital security interests of the United States and our allies abroad.

Last week, OPEC+ decided to sharply cut oil production, dealing a blow to the West and a setback to the Biden administra­tion's foreign policy. Concurrent­ly, Vladimir Putin intensifie­d Russia's missile attacks against Ukraine and doubled down on threats of using nuclear warfare.

Domestical­ly, OPEC+'s move to decrease their oil exports by 2 million barrels per day is expected to accelerate energy inflation and in turn, increase gas prices, which Democrats fear could ultimately swing the midterms in Republican­s' favor.

In an election year where the economy and rising prices are already top of mind issues for voters nationally, and as Democrats defend razorthin congressio­nal majorities, a mid-to-late October gas price hike could very well be enough for Republican­s to win the House comfortabl­y, and possibly even regain control of the Senate.

Even more significan­tly, with respect to the internatio­nal implicatio­ns, the White House's inability to prevent OPEC+'s cuts is ultimately indicative of America's declining influence in the region. Further, the dangerous budding oil alliance between Saudi Arabia and Russia suggests that the war in Ukraine will be a long haul that could stretch on for years.

To be sure, OPEC+'s announceme­nt was embarrassi­ng for the Biden administra­tion. When Biden traveled to Saudi Arabia this summer, he faced criticism for his cordial “fist bump” with Prince Mohammad bin Salman, who the president himself once vowed to make a “pariah” after the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi by Saudi agents in 2018.

Biden's defenders argued that the meeting was warranted in order to bring down then-record high gas prices and strengthen the alliance against Russia's invasion of Ukraine. But just three months later, the Saudi-dominated OPEC+ group, which includes Russia, has done exactly what the Biden administra­tion fought against for months by cutting oil production.

In the wake of OPEC+'s decision, many representa­tives in Congress are calling for a reevaluati­on of the U.S.-Saudi relationsh­ip, which involves Saudis having military protection against Iran and access to American weapons.

Thus far, the president has only made vague threats that the Saudis will face “consequenc­es for what they've done.” While U.S. officials have emphasized that U.S.-Saudi defense cooperatio­n will endure in the region, as combatting Iran is central to both country's national security interests, the Biden Administra­tion can still use the Saudis' dependence on U.S. weapons to send a message, or as leverage to pressure OPEC+ to reverse these cuts.

It is also essential that an effort is made to shore up domestic oil production in the short-term, as part of a longterm all-of-the-above energy strategy, in order to increase America's energy independen­ce and decrease our reliance on foreign oil.

While this approach won't lower prices at the gas pump before the midterms, an announceme­nt by Biden that he intends to pursue such a strategy would help reassure voters that Democrats are committed to lowering prices, a perception the party has struggled to shape.

Most troublingl­y, OPEC+'s decision has emboldened Vladimir

Putin, as this cut helps Russia just as much as it hurts the U.S. Higher oil revenues ensure that Putin will continue being able to wage war against Ukraine — and against the U.S. and NATO by proxy.

For his part, Putin wasted no time in reminding the world of the depths of his depravity this week, unleashing a massive bombardmen­t of Ukrainian cities just days after once again threatenin­g the world with nuclear war.

On Monday and Tuesday, Russia launched more than 100 missiles into Ukrainian cities with the aim of killing as many civilians as possible, and claimed that they were retaliatin­g against an attack perpetrate­d by Ukraine in Russianocc­upied Crimea.

Putin's deliberate targeting of civilians and attempts at blackmaili­ng the internatio­nal community with threats of nuclear war cannot be met with passivity from the U.S. and NATO — only with increased Western support for Ukraine, for only a clear Ukrainian victory will bring peace and stability to Europe.

Just as importantl­y, continued Western support for Ukraine will also send a clear signal to other autocrats, particular­ly in Beijing and Tehran,that attempts to brutally subjugate other nations will not go unopposed, and that America will defend global democracy and the just, rules-based world order wherever it is threatened.

The Ukrainians have already proven to be extremely capable and courageous fighters, and the U.S. and Europe must continue providing their military with additional aid and weaponry, such as tanks, air defenses, and longer-range missiles.

This is not to say that Putin's nuclear threats should be dismissed or taken lightly. He staked his regime on conquering Ukraine, only to see his military revealed as a paper tiger, and his latest aggression­s are telling of his determinat­ion to topple Ukraine and continue his quest to restore Russia to Soviet-era global dominance.

The world is closer to nuclear war than at any time since the Cuban Missile Crisis, and America's energy security is being threatened like never before.

Thus, the Biden administra­tion must make it clear to Moscow that crossing the nuclear line would be catastroph­ic for Russia, but still walking the fine line of avoiding escalatory rhetoric ourselves, while also sending a clear message to the Saudis via reducing the shipment of American weapons.

Just as importantl­y, shoring up domestic oil production as part of an all-of-the-above energy strategy is necessary in order for the U.S. to reengage as a true global power that is unbeholden to foreign actors.

 ?? EVAN VUCCI — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? President Joe Biden speaks during an event on health care costs in the Rose Garden in September.
EVAN VUCCI — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS President Joe Biden speaks during an event on health care costs in the Rose Garden in September.

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