Press-Telegram (Long Beach)

What will you give thanks for in 2022?


What are you thankful for this year?

That's our Question of the Week for readers.

And if you have an answer to that question that you would like to share with the world — or at least with your fellow subscriber­s to the newspaper, and bless you for that — could you reply ASAP, emailing back on Tuesday or Wednesday?

That way we can share your thankfulne­ss here during Thanksgivi­ng week when your thoughts will be most interestin­g and timely to read.

Are you thankful simply to have made it through one more year, for instance? One that, global pandemic-wise, presented a kind of opening up, allowing many of us to travel and to see faraway family and other loved ones for the first time since that fateful spring of 2020?

That's kind of the way current Tournament of Roses President Amy Wainscott sees this year from her Pasadena perspectiv­e, for instance. The White Suiter volunteer chose “Turning the Corner” as her theme for all the floats in the upcoming Rose Parade. It's both a physical feat the flowerbede­cked behemoths have to accomplish — turning the corner of Orange Grove and Colorado boulevards — and a metaphor for the way many of us see the progress that has been made fighting the virus that has plagued the world and its economies. Are you thankful we've turned the corner?

Or are you thankful for the continued love of a longtime partner? For the presence in your life of a new love? For a family member who has been struggling but has sought help?

What about some pandemic positive — a diamond in the rough such as being able to work from home more often, or getting to know neighbors during the lockdown times through conversati­ons on the sidewalk? Thankful that we no longer must entertain guests entirely on front lawns? For being able to go back to the gym? For not having to mask up every time you enter the grocery store? For having the time to begin or rekindle a hobby? For the vaccine boosters making getting sick so much milder for many? For the nurses and docs?

Email your thoughts to Please include your full name and city or community of residence. Provide a daytime phone number (it will not be published).

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