Press-Telegram (Long Beach)

Let's cut through confusion about healthful foods

- LeeAnn Weintraub is a registered dietitian providing nutrition counseling and consulting to individual­s, families and organizati­ons. She can be reached at

When it comes to food and nutrition, figuring out which foods are healthful can be confusing. The government's definition of healthful food is outdated, and health experts don't seem to agree on what makes a food healthful.

How do we cut through the jargon and hype to choose foods that are actually healthful?

The U.S. Food and Drug Administra­tion's existing definition of “healthy” is from 1994. It provides limits for total fat, saturated fat, cholestero­l and sodium. To qualify, foods must also provide a certain amount of vitamin A, calcium, iron or fiber, meeting at least 10% percent of the recommende­d daily value for these nutrients. But these parameters are 30 years old, and both the science and consumers have evolved and changed considerab­ly since then.

It's important to realize the distinctio­n between a healthful food and a healthful diet. A healthful diet includes a variety of nutritious foods that provide all the nutrients needed to maintain health and energy levels while preventing or managing certain diseases. Foods that are not deemed healthful can still fit into a healthful diet. Of course, there are varying opinions on what makes a food or beverage healthful.

Last year, the FDA proposed an updated definition of “healthy” claims on food packages with a focus on reducing chronic disease. Changes to the definition of “healthy” would be based on the latest nutrition science, federal dietary guidelines and the current Nutrition Facts label.

Under the proposed definition of “healthy,” a product would have to contain a specified amount from at least one of the food groups such as fruit, vegetables, grains, dairy and protein. It would also include specific limits for added sugars, saturated fat and sodium. All raw whole fruits and vegetables would qualify for the “healthy” claim. Foods and beverages that don't qualify under the current definition, but would qualify under the proposed updated definition, include water, avocados, nuts, seeds, fatty fish like salmon and some oils. Foods that currently qualify as “healthy” but would no longer be considered healthful under the proposed definition include white bread, highly sugar-sweetened yogurts and highly sugar-sweetened cereal.

While experts work to align the “healthy” claim for food and beverages with current scientific evidence, there are steps we can make to ensure we are eating a diet based on nutritious, health-promoting products.

• Check the Nutrition Facts label for sodium content. Products with more than 400 mg per serving are considered high in sodium and products with 140 mg or less are low.

• Read for Nutrition Facts food label for sugar content. Ideally, for those 2 or older, added sugars should be limited to less than 10% of total daily calories. This is about 24 grams of sugar or less for women and 36 grams of sugar or less for men daily.

• When purchasing grain products like bread, cereal, crackers, tortillas and pasta, choose those made with whole grains that contain at least 3 grams of fiber per serving.

• When possible, opt for fresh, frozen and canned meat, poultry and seafood products with minimal added ingredient­s. Additional ingredient­s often contribute to excess sugar, salt and fat.

• Use the ingredient list on the food package to know what is in the product. Pay attention to the first three ingredient­s, as they make up the largest part of the product.

• Look for whole foods in the vegetable, fruit, dairy, grain and protein categories.

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