Press-Telegram (Long Beach)

‘Overwhelme­d’ needs to reset

- Columnist Contact Dear Abby at

DEAR ABBY » I am 20 years old and dating a Marine. I work at a hospital, and I also have a part-time job. I recently rented an apartment near where my boyfriend is staying, and I'm busting my butt to be independen­t. My boyfriend struggles because he's got a lot going on as well and doesn't earn that much money. I'm the breadwinne­r right now and, honestly, I'm just tired. I work way too hard, and I'm really stressed. Life is hard, and I genuinely feel like I can't catch a break. Any advice?

— Overwhelme­d in Virginia

DEAR OVERWHELME­D » This is the life you have chosen, and you are doing all you can. Carrying so much stress is bad for your emotional and physical health. Your boyfriend may not be making much money now, but he isn't broke. It may be time to step back and review your finances and his, and whether you should continue to be the breadwinne­r. Things may get easier as your boyfriend gains rank and more seniority in the military.

DEAR ABBY » A couple moved next door several years ago. My wife and I were welcoming and did some socializin­g with them (dinners, festivals, parties). We soon realized that we have little in common with them. They are nice people, but we no longer enjoy doing things with them. How can we get the message across without being rude?

— Out of Excuses in the South

DEAR OUT OF EXCUSES » There is no polite way to tell people you don't enjoy being with them. However, folks today have compelling obligation­s, full schedules; they develop new interests and juggle busy social lives. This is a fact of life. They will find a way to fill their time if you continue being “busy.”

DEAR ABBY » Whenever I see strangers, especially my age — in their 30s — toss gum wrappers and food and beverage containers on the ground, I have conflicted feelings. I want to approach them and say something like, “Did you just throw that on the ground? Is that how you were raised — to expect others to pick up after you?” Then I imagine the dirty looks I would get, or worse, and it escalating into an argument. I care about the environmen­t and the community I live in. It saddens me that people don't have similar respect or concern about the future of the environmen­t. Do you have any ideas on how to succinctly tell people to stop littering without it appearing as if I am telling them off?

— Caring Citizen in New Jersey

DEAR CARING CITIZEN » If you carry out your fantasy, it will almost certainly spark an angry and defensive reaction. If it would give you some sense of satisfacti­on, consider picking up the litter yourself.

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