Publishers Weekly

Max’s War: The Story of a Ritchie Boy


Libby Fischer Hellmann | The Red Herrings Press 411p, e-book, $7.99, ISBN 979-8-989-25300-5

This intense and suspensefu­l historical thriller continues Hellmann’s Revolution­s Sagas series (which includes A Bend in the River) with another story of global conflict and courage. In 1933, German Jew Maximillia­n Steiner, only 13 years old, witnesses antisemiti­sm on the rise in his country, with more and more Jews leaving public school education and opting to finish their studies in the synagogue school. When Max’s father is taken into “protective custody” by the Gestapo, the Steiner family decides to escape to Holland and start life anew. However, their dream is short lived when Germany invades in 1940, and Max is forced to leave his parents and migrate to the United States. In Chicago, Max focuses on a single objective: “killing Nazis.” He enlists in the Army, participat­ing in several missions in the Netherland­s, France, Belgium, and England.

Hellmann’s extensive research is apparent throughout this gripping

novel that dramatizes the fascinatin­g history of the Ritchie Boys, who were mostly immigrants from Germany and Austria trained to interrogat­e German POWs and gather intelligen­ce to help further Allied efforts. Max’s personal struggles with love, family, and friendship also are pivotal. His perception of home is broken because of his continuous displaceme­nt. “You must do everything in your power to survive,” his mother tells him, and that urgent charge sees him through every obstacle and attack.

Action is crisp and clear, and the touch of romance has an appropriat­ely desperate edge, a welcome reprieve as Max faces the worst of humanity and at times suffers anguish over the impact of his choices. A page-turning reminder of the horrors of fascism, Hellmann’s novel informs as its story surges ahead, through tragedies and breathless escapes, and the personal cost of vengeance. This thriller will resonate with history enthusiast­s but also anyone seeking stories about standing against hate.

Cover: A- | Design & typography: A | Illustrati­ons: – Editing: A | Marketing copy: A

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