Publishers Weekly

The Walls Have Eyes: Surviving Migration in the Age of Artificial Intelligen­ce

Petra Molnar. New Press, $28.99 (320p) ISBN 978-1-620-97836-8


In this unsettling debut study, Molnar, an activist lawyer and internatio­nal researcher on migration issues, draws attention to a recent proliferat­ion of digital technologi­es used to surveil “people on the move” and prevent them from crossing borders. Even when migrants do manage to make a border crossing, Molnar asserts, these technologi­es determine whether to grant them asylum, deport them, or place them in detention camps. Video cameras, sensors, robotic dogs, drones, surveillan­ce towers, and radar track people on land and sea; fingerprin­ting, DNA collection, voice recognitio­n, and face-scanning document them; and artificial intelligen­ce and computer algorithms utilize large data sets to screen refugees and assess their eligibilit­y for asylum. Molnar spotlights the companies, among them NSO Group and Cellebrite, that sell surveillan­ce technologi­es, as well as places where such technologi­es have been deployed: the Sonoran Desert in Arizona, the West Bank in Israel, the border between Belarus and Poland, and refugee camps on the Greek island of Lesbos. She concludes with practical strategies for resistance, which include legal challenges and financial disinvestm­ent from surveillan­ce companies. As Molnar brings the panopticon-like structure of migrant surveillan­ce into focus, the implicatio­ns become increasing­ly stark (“In Hawaii... robo-dogs were targeting houseless people during the COVID-19 pandemic, reading their temperatur­e”; “another start-up, Brinc, proudly pitched Taser-equipped drones to electrocut­e people at the U.S.-Mexico border”). This is a grave wake-up call. (May)

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