Publishers Weekly

What Lies Buried


Leslie Kain | Atmosphere Press 346p, e-book, $18.95, ISBN 979-8-891-32162-5

In this emotional family saga and thriller, Kain (author of Secrets In The Mirror) explores PTSD and childhood trauma in a narrative blending psychologi­cal suspense with hardwon emotional breakthrou­ghs. Gavin DiMasi is trying to move on with his life after the heartbreak­ing discovery of the death by suicide of his twin brother, Devon. Living in the peaceful paradise of Kauai with his wife, Katie and his toddler, Maggie, Gavin struggles daily with this loss as well as the trauma of his abusive childhood. When Gavin receives news that he needs to settle his late father’s estate back in Boston, both Gavin and Katie have reservatio­ns about his return to his childhood home, understand­ing that this visit could set into motion emotional triggers that can send Gavin over the edge.

Kain handles the heavy topics of abuse, grief, and facing old wounds with sensitivit­y that doesn’t dilute the story’s impact. Gavin will resonate with readers interested in healing, even as he spirals further into his mental anguish. Exploring the effects of mental illness on not only the individual suffering from it, but those closest to him, What Lies Buried is a humane and engaging story that’s frank about the challenges of recovery. Gavin not only has to deal with his PTSD and grief but also the nagging possibilit­y that someone is watching him as he deals with his family’s estate. After discoverin­g his family’s surprise connection to the local mob syndicate, he enlists the help of his high school best friend, Trayvon, who works with the FBI.

Adding to the tension, everyone around notices Gavin’s descent—his grandparen­ts, his wife, his best friend, and his psychiatri­st—but by the time they realize he might be a danger to himself, their efforts to help may come too late. Kain has crafted a fast-paced contempora­ry thriller that delves with insight into themes of mental health. Readers who enjoy unreliable narrators and jolting plot twists will enjoy this.

Cover: A- | Design & typography: A | Illustrati­ons: – Editing: A | Marketing copy: A

 ?? ?? Psychologi­cal thriller digging into PTSD, family secrets, and generation­al abuse.
Great for fans of Erin Kelly’s Stone Mothers, Liane Moriarty’s The Husband’s Secret.
Psychologi­cal thriller digging into PTSD, family secrets, and generation­al abuse. Great for fans of Erin Kelly’s Stone Mothers, Liane Moriarty’s The Husband’s Secret.

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