Quilter's World

The Healing Quilt

Create this simple quilt as an act of kindness. Give it to someone as a gift or keep it in order to ease life’s bumps.



Confident Beginner


Quilt Size: 56" x 72" Block Size: 8" x 8" Number of Blocks: 35


• 2 yards light gray*

• 21/4 yards dark pink*

• 5/8 yard dark gray*

• 3/4 yard white*

• 1/2 yard light pink*

• Backing to size

• Batting to size

• Template material

• Thread

• Basic sewing tools and supplies *Fabrics from Hoffman California­Internatio­nal Fabrics used to make sample.


Read all instructio­ns before beginning this project.

Stitch right sides together using a 1/4" seam allowance unless otherwise specified.

Materials and cutting lists assume 40" of usable fabric width for yardage. WOF – width of fabric

HST – half-square triangle

QST – quarter-square triangle


From light gray cut:

• 4 (561/2" x 8") borders

• 4 (91/4") B squares

From dark gray cut:

• 7 (21/2" x WOF) binding strips From dark pink cut:

• 9 (91/4") A squares

• 34 (21/2" x 41/2") C rectangles • 34 (21/2" x 81/2") D rectangles From light pink cut:

• 17 (41/2") E squares

From white cut:

• 5 (91/4") F squares


1. Draw a diagonal line on the wrong side of all A and F squares.

Pink & White Hourglass

1. Referring to Figure 1, place one F square and one A square right sides together. Stitch 1/4" on both sides of the marked line. Cut on the marked line. Open and press toward A. Make

10 HST units.

2. Draw a diagonal line on the wrong side opposite the seam of five HST units from step 1. Place one marked HST on an unmarked HST with the seams lined up and opposite colors together as shown in Figure 2. Stitch 1/4" on both sides of the marked line. Cut on the marked line; open and press to complete two Pink & White Hourglass blocks. Make 10.

Pink & Gray Hourglass

1. Referring to Figure 3, place one B square and one A square right sides together. Stitch 1/4" on both sides of the marked line. Cut on the marked line. Open and press toward A. Make eight HST units.

2. Referring to Figure 4, draw a diagonal line on the wrong side opposite the seam of four step 1 units. Place one marked unit on an unmarked unit with the seams lined up and opposite colors together as shown. Stitch 1/4" on both sides of the marked line. Cut on the marked line. Open and press to complete two Pink & Gray Hourglass blocks. Make eight.

Pink Bullseye

1. Sew a C rectangle to opposite sides of an E square as shown in Figure 5. Press toward C. Make 17.

2. Sew a D rectangle to each of the two remaining sides as shown in Figure 6. Press toward D. Block should measure 81/2" square. Make 17 pink Bullseye blocks.


1. Referring to Figure 7, arrange two Bullseye blocks with three Pink & White Hourglass blocks, making sure to orient the blocks as shown. Stich blocks together and press toward the Bullseye blocks. Make two rows.

2. Referring to Figure 8, arrange two Pink & Gray Hourglass blocks with three Bullseye blocks, making sure to orient the blocks as shown. Stitch blocks together and press toward the Bullseye blocks. Make three rows.

3. Referring to Figure 9, arrange one Pink & Gray Hourglass block and two each Pink & White Hourglass and Bullseye blocks. Stitch blocks together and press toward the Bullseye blocks. Make two rows.

4. Referring to the Assembly Diagram, arrange rows as shown and stitch together. Quilt center should measure 401/2" x 561/2".

5. Referring again to the Assembly Diagram, sew a border strip to the both sides of the quilt center and then sew border strips to the top and bottom.

6. Layer, quilt quilt as desired and bind referring to Quilting Basics.

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