Random Lengths News

Harbor Area


COVID-19 Testing Site to Open for Port Workers

LONG BEACH — Drive-up testing for COVID-19 was made available Aug. 17, to dockworker­s, truckers and other frontline labor partners at the Port of Long Beach.

The free tests will be available to port personnel and the general public on weekdays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 4 to 7 p.m. at 2100 W. Anaheim St., at the southwest corner of Anaheim and Ninth streets.

Up to 200 free tests will be provided daily by the City of Long Beach Department of Health and Human Services, with funding from the Port of Long Beach. Appointmen­ts are required.

Details: www.longbeach.gov/health/diseasesan­d-condition/informatio­n-on/coronaviru­s/covid19-testing; 562-570-4636.

Northwest San Pedro Neighborho­od Central Council Meetings

NWSPNC Community Issues Committee Meeting

Time: 6 p.m. Aug. 25

Virtual meeting via Zoom

NWSPNC Public Safety Committee Meeting

Time: 6 p.m. Aug. 27

Virtual meeting via Zoom

South Division Community Forum

Cmdr. Jeffrey Liberman invites the public to a South Division Community Forum Teleconfer­ence. RSVP.

Time: 6 to 7 p.m. Aug. 19

Details: Jericho.Balderian@longbeach.gov

The Suffrage Centennial

The Silent Sentinels and the Long Beach Suffrage 100 invites Long Beach residents to stand with them in silence to honor the centennial of the 19th Amendment and call for the passage of the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancemen­t Act (House Resolution 4). Residents should maintain social distancing of six feet and wear masks. With Willmore SLAM (Season of Live Arts and Music), events begin at 12 p.m. at Cesar Chavez Park, 401 Golden Ave.

Time: 12 to 1 p.m. Aug. 26

Location: Victory Park, southeast corner of Pacific and Ocean Boulevard

LA County COVID-19 Rent Relief

LA County COVID-19 Rent Relief is open to renters in Los Angeles County. Eligible renters must qualify based on income and have struggled to pay rent due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Their landlord must provide a W-9 and sign a participat­ion agreement in order to have the rent paid on behalf of the tenant.

To view the list of targeted zip codes that are prioritize­d for 50% of the available funding visit: https://wwwa.lacda.org/programs/rent-relief-zipcodes

Renters not listed in targeted zip codes may still apply if they meet the eligibilit­y requiremen­ts, with the exception of residents living in the City of Los Angeles, as the city also received its own allocation of CARES Act funds and has its own programs for city residents.

Details: 2-1-1; 211la.org/lacounty/rentrelief

Be Counted in the Census by Sept. 30

The 2020 Census deadline is approachin­g on Sept. 30. The data collected will make sure that Los Angeles County receives funding for individual­s and families who rely on important services, such as health care, schools, childcare and meal programs like CalFRESH.

Details: https://my2020cens­us.gov

Deadline Extended to Apply for Disaster Assistance Loans

On Aug. 11, the U.S. Small Business Administra­tion extended the deadline to apply for a disaster recovery loan to Sept. 16, for Los Angeles County business owners who suffered physical or property damage due to the civil unrest incidents that began on May 26.

Businesses and private nonprofit organizati­ons may borrow up to $2 million to repair or replace damaged or destroyed real estate, machinery and equipment, inventory and other business assets.

There are two newly updated deadlines to apply for assistance from SBA. Business owners must file an applicatio­n by Sept. 16, 2020 for property damage relief and by March 17, 2021, for economic injury relief.

Details: 800-0659-2955; disasterlo­anassistan­ce. sba.gov, lacountyhe­lpcenter.org

Los Angeles City Planning Youtube Channel

While you can still join commission meetings remotely by following the videoconfe­rence or call-in instructio­ns found on the Los Angeles City Planning website, the City Planning Commission meetings have begun streaming on its YouTube channel. To submit public comments, follow a few simple steps which can be found on each agenda.

Details: https://planning.lacity.org/about/ commission­s-boards-hearings

DMV Gives One-Year Extension to Senior Drivers

The California Department of Motor Vehicles is providing an automatic one-year extension to California­ns age 70 and older with a noncommerc­ial driver license with an expiration date between March 1 and Dec. 31, 2020. This action delays the requiremen­t for seniors to visit a DMV office during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Details: dmv-gives-1-year-extension-to-seniordriv­ers-with-expiring-licenses

Free Trees

Order up to seven trees for free and the nonprofit City Plants will deliver them right to your front door. Choose from 30 different watereffic­ient species for either your street or yard. You can also request trees for your business or apartment building or sign up your entire block to get street trees.

Details: https://www.cityplants.org/ourprogram­s/

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