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LA County to Develop Zero Emission Infrastruc­ture Plan


SAN PEDRO — The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisor­s April 20, approved a proposal by Supervisor­s Janice Hahn and Sheila Kuehl to create an LA County Zero Emission Infrastruc­ture Plan. The plan will identify gaps in the county’s current electric vehicle charging infrastruc­ture and create a strategy to close them, especially in the county’s lowincome areas.

The LA County Sustainabi­lity Plan set the goal of installing 60,000 new zero-emission vehicle charging stations by 2025, 70,000 by 2035 and ensuring 100% of all new light-duty private vehicles are zero emission vehicles by 2045. According to the California Energy Commission, there are less than 20,000 public and shared-private chargers in LA County today. The ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach have committed to transition­ing terminal equipment to zero emissions by 2030 and on-road trucks by 2035.

The motion would direct the developmen­t of the county’s first Zero Emission Infrastruc­ture Plan. The plan, which is due back to the board in 120 days, would include:

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