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California Moves to Prevent New Oil Drilling Near Communitie­s


LOS ANGELES — As the state works to phase out fossil fuels, the Department of Conservati­on’s Geologic Energy Management Division or CalGEM Oct. 21, released a proposed regulation that would prohibit new wells and facilities within a 3,200-foot exclusion area — or setback — from homes, schools, hospitals, nursing homes and other sensitive locations.

The state proposes a 3,200-foot setback to protect public health. A 15-member public health expert panel selected by University of California, Berkeley and Physicians, Scientists, and Engineers or PSE for Healthy Energy concluded when oil and gas developmen­ts are within 3,200 feet, there is a strong connection to higher rates of adverse birth outcomes, respirator­y diseases such as asthma and heart disease, among other health impacts.

CalGEM will accept public comment on the draft rule for 60 days and then it will begin a comprehens­ive economic analysis of the rule.

Public comments can be submitted via email to CalGEMRegu­lations@conservati­on.ca.gov or by mailing comments to 801 K Street, Sacramento, California (ATTN: Public Health Regulation­s) by Dec. 21, 2021.

Details: www.conservati­on.ca.gov/calgem/Pages/Public-Health.aspx

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