Random Lengths News

Re: “Neighborho­od”


Hi, thanks for your news and ads. We need you!!

For, to live in San Pedro and try to shop locally and find advertisem­ents, is a big deal!

To discover Don Marshall, an MBA, CPA in our local neighborho­od a few blocks away, amazing!

“Bingo,” experience­d, strong, talented and also caring to help with 21 years of practice and trust, as the MBA I needed. For the first time!

Though this was my first time, he not only also answered the telephone himself, with a kind, jolly voice, he also treated a novice as if I were a “special business” with amazing service and results I could trust. He even does taxes too! So, I learned about MBA vs. CPA Inc.

Please keep up and expand unusual advertisin­g also, for us locals. Don Marshall had much lower rates than distant others! It’s a great help to find services in San Pedro.

P.S. He also had a sense of humor! Which we all can use now!

Dorota Starr San Pedro

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