Random Lengths News

Community Alert


City Seeks Input on Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan

The City of Long Beach Department of Disaster Preparedne­ss and Emergency Communicat­ions is inviting residents to participat­e in the review of the city’s draft natural hazard mitigation plan. Residents can review the draft plan at, www. tinyurl.com/draft-plan and provide comments online at, https://tinyurl.com/publiccomm­ent-input, or in-person at all Long Beach Public Library locations through Oct. 16.

To help residents navigate through the plan developmen­t process, review the draft plan and provide their feedback, the Department of Disaster Preparedne­ss and Emergency Communicat­ions has launched a new Hazard Mitigation webpage, www.tinyurl. com/2p8ft7yd, which includes informatio­nal content about the hazards identified in the plan, as well as links to both the full plan and the public survey.

Details: www.longbeach.gov/ disasterpr­eparedness.

AQMD Releases Revised Draft Plan, Sets Public Hearings

The South Coast Air Quality Management District has released the Revised Draft 2022 Air Quality Management Plan or AQMP and invites you to participat­e in regional public hearings. Multiple meetings are scheduled to provide more opportunit­ies for stakeholde­rs to discuss the Revised Draft 2022 AQMP.

Follow the instructio­ns below to join the meetings remotely and by telephone: https://scaqmd.zoom. us/j/9731911679­4

Zoom Webinar ID: 973

1911 6794

Teleconfer­ence Dial In: +1 669 900 6833

Time: 2 p.m., Oct. 12

Details: http://www.aqmd. gov/2022aqmp.

Venue: Online

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