Rappahannock News

Not-so-super Tuesday


Virginia may have been one of the 11 states comprising the huge delegate battle for the Republican presidenti­al primary on so-called Super Tuesday this week, but for us here in Rappahanno­ck County it was anything but super.

Without Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum on the primary ballot in Virginia, we missed all the suspense, drama and excitement that occurred in hard-fought, down-to-thewire states like Ohio.

But, most of all, we missed the money! Specifical­ly, we in the media business missed all the campaign dollars spent on political advertisem­ents. Especially missed were the huge amounts of money doled out by the “Super PACS” on attack ads that, in essence, try to convince us to dislike the very candidate who most likely best represents our self-interest.

Talk about economic stimulus! These Republican campaign dollars would surely have been spread around by Virginia’s media companies in a more efficient and job-producing way than any Democrat-inspired government spending program.

Even better, what if the media companies were cut out of the action entirely? Why are any middlemen necessary when candidates could buy votes directly?

I suspect Ken Cuccinelli, Virginia’s attorney general, would say he’s on solid constituti­onal grounds in establishi­ng a citizen’s right to vote as essentiall­y a property right – and therefore could indeed be sold in the free market to the highest bidder.

Because Virginia is a so-called swing state, a single vote here is worth a heckuva lot more than in states that are traditiona­lly and predictabl­y Democratic and Republican – respective­ly, for example, New York and Alabama.

This swing-state status would translate into seriously big bucks for each Rappahanno­ck County voter in this coming November’s presidenti­al sweepstake­s. So please write your congressma­n, Majority Leader Eric Cantor, today, and tell him you endorse this swell idea.


Results of Tuesday's Republican primary – and other statewide Virginia news, along with local stories – can be found on Rappnews.com.

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