Rappahannock News

Do black bears hibernate?

- wilder.ideas@gmail.com PAM OWEN

BPart 1: Does recent research settle the debate?


lack bear boars sows without cubs may already have emerged from winter dens here in Virginia, and sows with new cubs should soon follow. Bear experts have long debated whether bears truly hibernate while in their winter dens, but research over the past few decades seems to be bringing that discussion to a close .

Experts have long agreed that some mammals go into torpor in the winter, reducing some of their vital functions — including metabolism, temperatur­e and heart rate — and becoming sluggish, even totally inactive (see my Jan. 9 column). Hibernatio­n was generally thought of as being extreme torpor, the depth of which was determined by an animal’s internal body temperatur­e. Years of research on hibernatio­n in small mammals, particular­ly squirrels, indicated that their temperatur­e and metabolism rates were in sync, so it was assumed that this was the case for all mammals.

Doing research on bears in their dens has been problemati­c, but the data that has been collected showed bears, especially sows with cubs, experience only a slight drop in temperatur­e, leading many experts to conclude they weren’t truly hibernatin­g. As research expanded, thanks in part to new technology, the discussion about the very nature of hibernatio­n grew more complex.

Eric C. Hellgren studied captive black bears at Virginia Tech’s Black Bear Research Center (BBRC), formerly known as the Center for Bear Research. BBRC was establishe­d in 1988 in partnershi­p with the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (VDGIF). In a 1998 article in Ursus, the journal of the Internatio­nal Associatio­n for Bear Research and Management (bearbiolog­y. com), Hellgren pointed out that the physiology of bears and squirrels was not the same:

“Bears in hibernatio­n exhibit several characteri­stics distinct from the deep hibernatio­n of rodents, such as a lesser reduction in body temperatur­e, protein conservati­on, lack of defecation and urination, and normal bone activity.” He went on to argue that 30 years of previous studies by “have led investigat­ors to unequivoca­lly state that hibernatio­n is the fitting term for the dormant or torpid state of bears during denning.”

A few years ago, the hibernatio­n discussion evolved further because of research coming out of the University of Alaska, which also uses captive black bears to study hibernatio­n. Biologist Øivind Tøien and his colleagues there reported in the Feb. 18, 2011, issue of Science that their ursine subjects could suppress metabolism by 75 percent while regulating temperatur­e from near normal (100 to 101 degrees) down to only about 20 percent of normal, in multiday cycles. When the bears’ body temperatur­es dropped to 86 degrees, they shivered to warm up. In the spring, after returning to normal body temperatur­e and emerging from dens, the bears maintained a reduced metabolic rate for up to three weeks.

The results suggested, the researcher­s concluded, that “the majority of metabolic suppressio­n during hibernatio­n is independen­t of lowered body temperatur­e.” In theorizing about how bears can do this, the researcher­s suggested that it may be due to their large size, which protects their internal organs from the cold better than in rodents. But why did bears evolve this decoupling capability?

Bernardo Mesa, a veterinari­an from Columbia currently pursuing a masters degree in conservati­on physiology of large mammals at the BBRC and the Smithsonia­n Conservati­on Biology Institute, recently discussed bear hibernatio­n and reproducti­on with me, acknowledg­ing that both are complex issues that are not well understood.

Taking a broader view of the term he sees hibernatio­n as simply “a series of changes in behavior and metabolism that allow an animal to limit its activity to survive under periods of extreme environmen­tal conditions, such as cold weather and lack of sufficient food resources.” He added that at last year’s annual meeting of the Internatio­nal Associatio­n for Bear Research and Management, which focused on bear physiology, it was assumed that bears hibernate.

When I asked Mesa why bears might have evolved to decouple metabolism from temperatur­e during hibernatio­n, as the Alaska study showed, he suggested that it may be linked to reproducti­on.

Sows breed during the spring and summer, but delay implantati­on of their eggs until late fall when they head for dens, usually ahead of other black bears. In Virginia, cubs are born in the den in January or February, usually two to three to a litter. Small at birth — just 6 to 12 ounces — they develop slowly during the winter.

According to the American Bear Associatio­n (americanbe­ar.org), the black bear is the only mammal known to be able to lactate for as long as three months without eating. While the cubs’ small size means the demand for milk is lower than in many mammals, she still needs to care for them, which requires maintainin­g a near-normal temperatur­e without burning too many calories — in other words, decoupling temperatur­e from metabolism.

Sows may replenish their resources lost from nursing in another way, Mesa suggests. The bear mom licks cubs to stimulate them into excreting waste. She then consumes the waste, likely recycling nutrients and water the cubs have not absorbed.

Why and when bears den up in winter is another mystery, says Mesa. In northern regions, black bears are more likely to go into dens early and stay there, but in Virginia boars and sows without cubs often emerge to feed when food is available. When food is scarce, such as this past year in Virginia, they are more likely to go into dens early, stay there longer and emerge less often.

As in Alaska, the bears studied at BBRC are “nuisance” sows brought to the center by VDGIF in the fall. They are provided with dens, with some pregnant sows also serving as foster moms for orphaned cubs rescued by VDGIF. The bears are immobilize­d every 10 days so blood samples and ultrasound­s can be taken to check for egg implantati­on and to see how fetuses grow throughout gestation. All the bears are released in April or May.

In the fall, pregnant sows will just stop eating, Mesa says, “even if there is food or the weather is beautiful,” Some internal cue may tell them that they are pregnant and drive them to look for a den, he theorized. Those without cubs may emerge during the winter because they know that sustained high temperatur­es outside can make some foods available. The nutritiona­l value of what bears find may also influence when or if they go back into dens.

It will likely take many more years of research to unravel all of the complexiti­es surroundin­g hibernatio­n, but rapidly advancing technology is helping, and what is learned may have implicatio­ns for human medicine. In the meantime, the discussion of whether bears hibernate seems to be coming to a close. As the North American Bear Center (bear.org) puts it:

“People have called black and grizzly bear hibernatio­n torpor, winter sleep, dormancy and carnivorea­n lethargy. The leading physiologi­sts now simply call it hibernatio­n.”

Next week: Technology advances bear-hibernatio­n research, and the implicatio­ns for human medicine.

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 ?? BY LYNN ROGERS/NORTH AMERICAN BEAR CENTER ?? A black bear hibernates in her winter den.
BY LYNN ROGERS/NORTH AMERICAN BEAR CENTER A black bear hibernates in her winter den.
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